Graphene Flagship(グラフェンフラッグシップ)の研究者は、単光子放射型の全電気量子発光ダイオード(LED)を作る目的で層状材料を使用しています。これらのLEDは量子情報用途でオンチップ光子源としての潜在性を秘めているらしいです。
一度に1個の光子を放出する原子並みに薄いLEDが、Graphene Flagshipの研究者によって開発されました。遷移金属ジカルコゲナイド(TMD)、グラフェン、窒化ホウ素を含んだ原子並みに薄い材料の層から構成され、全電動単一光子生成を示しているその極薄のLEDが、量子通信と量子ネットワーク用の幅広いフォトニクスアプリケーションのための優れたオンチップ量子光源になるかもしれません。
Single photon light emitting diodes for on-chip integration
The ultra-thin devices reported in the paper are constructed of thin layers of different layered materials, stacked together to form a heterostructure. Electrical current is injected into the device, tunnelling from single-layer graphene, through few-layer boron nitride acting as a tunnel barrier, and into the mono- or bi-layer TMD material, such as tungsten diselenide (WSe2), where electrons recombine with holes to emit single photons. At high currents, this recombination occurs across the whole surface of the device, while at low currents, the quantum behaviour is apparent and the recombination is concentrated in highly localised quantum emitters.
tunneling(tunnelling) from A through B and into C = AからBを通ってCへトンネルする、みたいな感じになります。
All-electrical single photon emission is a key priority for integrated quantum optoelectronics. Typically, single photon generation relies on optical excitation and requires large-scale optical set-ups with lasers and precise alignment of optical components. This research brings on-chip single photon emission for quantum communication a step closer.
“Ultimately, in a scalable circuit, we need fully integrated devices that we can control by electrical impulses, instead of a laser that focuses on different segments of an integrated circuit. For quantum communication with single photons, and quantum networks between different nodes – for example, to couple qubits – we want to be able to just drive current, and get light out. There are many emitters that are optically excitable, but only a handful are electrically driven” In their devices, a modest current of less than 1 µA ensures that the single-photon behaviour dominates the emission characteristics.
The layered structure of TMDs makes them ideal for use in ultra-thin heterostructures for use on chips, and also adds the benefit of atomically precise layer interfacing. The quantum emitters are highly localised in the TMD layer and have spectrally sharp emission spectra. The layered nature also offers an advantage over some other single-photon emitters for feasible and effective integration into nanophotonic circuits.
layered structureで重層構造、積み重ね構造、層状構造とも言えます。
“Electrically driven single photon sources are essential for many applications, and this first realisation with layered materials is a real milestone. This ultra-thin and flexible platform offers high levels of tunability, design freedom, and integration capabilities with nano-electronic platforms including silicon CMOS.”
This research is a fantastic example of the possibilities that can be opened up with new discoveries about materials. Quantum dots were discovered to exist in layered TMDs only very recently, with research published simultaneously in early 2015 by several different research groups including groups currently working within the Graphene Flagship.
「この研究は材料に関する新しい発見によって開かれ得る可能性の素晴らしい一例です。量子ドットが重構造TMD中に存在することが、Graphene Flagship内部で現在研究中のグループを含む、いくつかの異なる研究グループによって2015年上旬に同時に発表された研究によって発見されたばかりでした。」
Dr Marek Potemski and co-workers working at CNRS (France) in collaboration with researchers at the University of Warsaw (Poland) discovered stable quantum emitters at the edges of WSe2 monolayers, displaying highly localised photoluminescence with single-photon emission characteristics. Professor Kis and colleagues working at ETH Zurich and EPFL (Switzerland) also observed single photon emitters with narrow linewidths in WSe2.
「フランスの国立科学研究センターで、Marek Potemski博士と共働者は、ポーランドのワルシャワ大学の研究者と共同で、二セレン化タングステン単層の縁部で、単光子放出を伴う高度に局所化されたフォトルミネセンスを見せる、安定した量子発光体を発見しました。チューリッヒ工科大学とスイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校のKis教授と共働者は、WSe2中で狭い線幅を持つ単光子放出体を観測しました。」
At the same time, Professor van der Zant and colleagues from Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), working with researchers at the University of Münster (Germany) observed that the localised emitters in WSe2 are due to trapped excitons, and suggested that they originate from structural defects. These quantum emitters have the potential to supplant research into the more traditional quantum dot counterparts because of their numerous benefits of the ultrathin devices of the layered structures.
「一方、オランダのデルフト工科大学のvan der Zant教授と同僚は、ドイツのミュンスター大学の研究者との共同研究で、WSe2中の局在エミッタが、束縛励起子が原因している事に気付き、それらは構造欠陥に由来していることを示唆しました。これらの量子発光体は、重層構造の極薄デバイスの多くのメリットにより、より伝統的な対抗馬の量子ドットの研究に取って代わる可能性があります。」
With this research, quantum emitters are now seen in another TMD material, namely tungsten disulphide (WS2). Professor Atatüre says “We chose WS2 because it has higher bandgap, and we wanted to see if different materials offered different parts of the spectra for single photon emission. With this, we have shown that the quantum emission is not a unique feature of WSe2, which suggests that many other layered materials might be able to host quantum dot-like features as well.”
“We are just scratching the surface of the many possible applications of devices prepared by combining graphene with other insulating, semiconducting, superconducting or metallic layered materials. In this case, not only have we demonstrated controllable photon sources, but we have also shown that the field of quantum technologies can greatly benefit from layered materials. We hope this will bring synergies between the Graphene Flagship and its researchers, and the recently announced Quantum Technologies Flagship, due to start in the next few years. Many more exciting results and applications will surely follow”.