Neutron-scattering experiments explore origins of high-temp superconductivity
“Our results challenge the present understanding of magnetic fluctuations in high-temperature superconductors,”
“Specifically, our findings suggest that magnetic fluctuations similar to those found in magnetically ordered compounds may, in fact, be common to many unconventional superconductors.
Superconductors are materials that lose electrical resistance at a critical temperature. For conventional superconductors, these critical temperatures are impractically low, but high-temperature superconductors tantalize engineers and scientists because their critical behavior comes about at temperatures that are obtainable with relatively affordable industrial processes. In the three decades since high-temperature superconductors were discovered, physicists have found dozens of them but have yet to explain their electronic workings.
All high-temperature superconductors are composite materials. Some contain copper and others have iron. A third class of layered composites called “heavy fermions,” which are made of exotic elements like cerium and ytterbium, exhibits the same sort of unconventional superconductivity as high-temperature superconductors, albeit at far colder temperatures.
heavy fermion = 重フェルミ粒子、重いフェルミオンは、重い電子のことみたいです。
Most of these unconventional superconductors convey little to no electricity at room temperature, and they continue to be poor conductors until they are cooled to their critical temperature, at which point superconductivity comes about suddenly.
One electronic behavior that’s been observed in all classes of unconventional superconductors is neutron spin resonance, a collective magnetic excitation that arises slightly below the critical temperature.
In the new experiments, Song, Rice physicist Pengcheng Dai and colleagues worked for two years to observe resonance behavior in three unconventional superconductors, one made of cerium, cobalt and indium and two others in which ytterbium was substituted for portions of cerium. All three compounds are heavy fermions, so-named because of the tendency of their electrons to behave as if they are far more massive than normal electrons.
“Spin resonance modes are found in both copper- and iron-based high-temperature superconductors, and our results on both doped and undoped cerium-cobalt-indium—prototypical heavy fermions—provide new insights,” Song said. “Importantly, superconductivity in all these compounds is believed to be mediated in similar ways by magnetic fluctuations, including those we observe in spin resonance modes, and while it’s generally accepted that spin resonance is a signature of unconventional superconductivity, there is no consensus on what causes it to happen.”
Song, Dai and colleagues used a technique known as inelastic neutron scattering to examine the resonance behavior of cerium-cobalt-indium and “doped” compounds in which either 5 percent or 30 percent of the cerium was replaced with ytterbium. The experiments were conducted in 2014 at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum at the Technical University of Munich and in 2015 at the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Center for Neutron Research in Gaithersburg, Md.
「Song, Daiと同僚達は、セリウムーコバルトーインジウムと5%か30%のセリウムがイッテルビウムに置き換えられたドープ化合物の共鳴挙動を調べるために非弾性中性子散乱として知られている技術を使いました。その実験は、2014年にミュンヘン工科大学にあるハインツ・マイヤー・ライプニッツ中性子研究所(MLZ)、2015年にメリーランド州ゲイザスバーグにある米国標準技術局(NIST)の中性子研究センターで行われました。」
All samples were created by UCSD physicist Brian Maple and colleagues, and Song spent hours painstakingly aligning hundreds of the tiny samples and gluing them onto aluminum substrates for testing. By cooling the samples to critical temperatures and examining how neutrons scattered from the samples throughout the cooling, Song, Dai and colleagues were able to show how the magnetic resonance of the materials developed and behaved at the critical point where superconductivity arose.
「全ての試料は、UCSDの物理学者Brian Mapleと研究仲間達によって作られ、Songが実験用に慎重に何百もの微小な試料を並べてアルミニウム基質の上にそれらを糊付けするのに何時間も費やしました。その試料を臨界温度まで冷却して、冷却の間中、中性子がその試料からどのように散乱したかを調査することで、SongとDaiと共働者達は、材料の磁気共鳴が超電導が生じる臨界点で、どのように発生し振る舞うのかを明らかにすることができました。」
spent hours painstakingly ~ = 苦労して(丹念に)~に何時間も費やす、~するのに何時間も苦心した、みたいな感じの訳になります。
“People have known for years that magnetic order—the alternating alignment of spins that is characteristic of magnetism—actually competes with and suppresses superconductivity,” said Dai, professor of physics and astronomy at Rice and the lead scientist on the project. “Intriguingly, magnetic fluctuations in magnetically disordered compounds—fluctuations that resemble what we see in magnetically ordered compounds—appear to be essential for superconductivity.”
In one key finding, the behavior of the resonance in both the doped and undoped samples appeared the same; this discovery directly conflicted with behavior that would be expected based on Landau’s classical theory governing the electronic behavior of metals. Co-author and theoretical physicist Dirk Morr of the University of Illinois at Chicago said this observation shed new light on a longstanding debate between two theoretical camps that attempts to explain the nature of resonance modes.
「一つな鍵となる発見において、ドープ系及び非ドープ系試料双方における共鳴の振る舞いは同じように見えます。この発見は、金属の電子挙動を規定しているランダウの古典論を基にして予測されていた挙動と直接的に矛盾していました。Dirk Morrは、この観測結果が共鳴モードの性質を説明しようと試みている2つの理論陣営の間の長年にわたる論争に新たな光を当てています。」
Landau’s classical theoryは、Landau’s Classical Theory of Fields(ランダウの場の古典論)の事だと思いますが、良く分かりません。theoretical campは、ある仮説に基づく理論を組み立てる人達の集合体で、自分達の仮説が正しいと常に主張します。theoretical campsは、同じ問題を解くための、そういった仮説を立てる集団の集合体で、自分達の仮説が正しいと主張し合う事で論争を引き起こします。なので、仮説(理論)好きの集まり、仮説陣営と訳しておけば問題はないはずです。
“One camp stands for the spin-exciton interpretation, and the other argues that the resonance is a paramagnon, a remnant of the magnetic order,” Morr said. “The spin-exciton picture seems to work better for some compounds while the paramagnon interpretation seems to work better for others. Our results fall more within the paramagnon interpretation, and though no theory can unify the two opposing views, these results hint at the possibility that they are, in fact, two ends of a continuum.”
two ends of a continuumは、two sides of the same coin = 表裏一体みたいなもんです。例えば政治で考えた場合、右端が右派、左端が左派の一本の棒があったとしたら、一見相反する両極端な政治思想も、見方を変えれば一緒ということです。右派から左派を見れば過激思想に見えますが、逆もまた真です。しかし真ん中の中道から見れば、どちらも過激思想であることには変わりはありません。つまり、2つの仮説を統合できる中道が必ず存在しているという事を意味しています。今回の研究結果が、パラマグノン説が有力っぽいですが、スピン励起子説を否定は出来ないみたいなので、どっかでこの2つの仮説に折り合いをつけられるラインが存在するはずです。