スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校とスイスの研究者チームが、熱が一部の結晶の中を伝わる方法を説明している熱伝導理論の分野へ、リラクソンと呼ばれる新しい振動モードを紹介しています。Physical Review Xに掲載されている彼等の研究論文で、特定2結晶の試験でいかにうまく機能するかを説明しています。
relaxon (リラクソン)という新しい振動モードが提唱されたみたいですが、リラックスに粒子を意味するon(例えば、photon, electron, boson, anyonなど)をくっつけた造語のようです。リラックスなのでくつろいでいそうです。
Researchers introduce relaxons to help describe heat flow through some crystals
For many years, physicists have used phonons to assist in describing the way heat moves through crystals. Thermal conductivity occurs via two processes: scattering between phonons due to atomic vibrations and disruptions to the lattice. This method has proven to be quite accurate for predicting the way heat will be conducted through many crystals, but for some, it has not worked well at all. In this new effort, the researchers added a new vibrational mode, relaxons, to improve results for such crystals.
Relaxons, they explain, come about from coordinate frame changes that are different than for phonons—they decay to an equilibrium population over a well-defined lifetime. The researchers tested their new model by applying it to two materials: graphene and silicon. In silicon, the researchers found results within 2 percent of those conducted using the standard phonon approach, demonstrating success.
With graphene, the researchers found different results—it read 8 times higher than that found using the standard phonon approach, which agreed with calculations performed prior to testing, indicating that it was a better approach. This suggests the new method offers a better means for making predictions of thermal conductivity when creating objects using graphene and perhaps other crystals. Adding relaxons is, in a sense, offering a new way to envision the means by which heat is conducted through certain types of crystals.
The addition of relaxons to the field of heat conduction, the team notes, has implications for future theoretical studies—it could be used, perhaps, in work related to the interpretation of hydrodynamic transport, offering a new means for making predictions. The new model is also likely to have an impact on experimental research as well, particularly in mean free path spectroscopy, a new field in which researchers are looking to isolate the impact of carriers with different mean free paths to conductivity.