A tiny machine: Engineers design an infinitesimal computing device
In 1959 renowned physicist Richard Feynman, in his talk “Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” spoke of a future in which tiny machines could perform huge feats. Like many forward-looking concepts, his molecule and atom-sized world remained for years in the realm of science fiction.
And then, scientists and other creative thinkers began to realize Feynman’s nanotechnological visions.
Plenty of Room at the Bottomは、直訳すれば、底には空きが多いという意味で、例えば、上を巨視的で中間を微視的とすれば、底は超微視的になり、意訳すれば、ナノ的なことはまだ多くの可能性が残されているという意味になるようです。
In the spirit of Feynman’s insight, and in response to the challenges he issued as a way to inspire scientific and engineering creativity, electrical and computer engineers at UC Santa Barbara have developed a design for a functional nanoscale computing device. The concept involves a dense, three-dimensional circuit operating on an unconventional type of logic that could, theoretically, be packed into a block no bigger than 50 nanometers on any side.
“Novel computing paradigms are needed to keep up with the demand for faster, smaller and more energy-efficient devices,” said Gina Adam, postdoctoral researcher at UCSB’s Department of Computer Science and lead author of the paper “Optimized stateful material implication logic for three dimensional data manipulation,” published in the journal Nano Research. “In a regular computer, data processing and memory storage are separated, which slows down computation. Processing data directly inside a three-dimensional memory structure would allow more data to be stored and processed much faster.”
「”高速でより小さいもっと省エネな装置に対する需要に応じるために、新しい計算パラダイムが必要とされています。”と、UCSB計算科学部ポスドク研究者で、Nano Research誌に掲載された研究論文、”3次元データ操作のための最適化されたステートフルな実質含意論理”の筆頭著者でもあるジーナ・アダムは語った。”標準のコンピュータでは、データ処理とメモリ保存は分離されていて、計算速度を落としています。3次元メモリ構造内で直にデーターを処理する事で、より多くのデータ保存と処理を可能にします。”」
While efforts to shrink computing devices have been ongoing for decades—in fact, Feynman’s challenges as he presented them in his 1959 talk have been met—scientists and engineers continue to carve out room at the bottom for even more advanced nanotechnology. A nanoscale 8-bit adder operating in 50-by-50-by-50 nanometer dimension, put forth as part of the current Feynman Grand Prize challenge by the Foresight Institute, has not yet been achieved. However, the continuing development and fabrication of progressively smaller components is bringing this virus-sized computing device closer to reality,
加算器はCPUを構成する演算回路の1つですが、ALU(arithmetic and logic unit、論理演算ユニット)の中心でもある非常に重要な回路です。これが完成すればCPUはできたも同然と言えるので、ナノスケールCPUの開発は時間の問題のようです。
“Our contribution is that we improved the specific features of that logic and designed it so it could be built in three dimensions,” he said.
Key to this development is the use of a logic system called material implication logic combined with memristors—circuit elements whose resistance depends on the most recent charges and the directions of those currents that have flowed through them.
material implication logic = 実質的含意論理、質料含意論理
Unlike the conventional computing logic and circuitry found in our present computers and other devices, in this form of computing, logic operation and information storage happen simultaneously and locally. This greatly reduces the need for components and space typically used to perform logic operations and to move data back and forth between operation and memory storage. The result of the computation is immediately stored in a memory element, which prevents data loss in the event of power outages—a critical function in autonomous systems such as robotics.
memory storage = 記憶装置、外部記憶装置(DVD、HDD、SSD等)からデータをメインメモリに読み込んで、それをCPUやGPUが処理するわけですが、通常メインメモリは揮発性なので電源供給がストップするとデータは全て失われます。処理データをリアルタイムで不揮発性メモリに記憶させる事ができれば、揮発性メモリとのやり取りが減る分、部品が減って、スペースが空くのかもしれませんが、よく分かりません。
In addition, the researchers reconfigured the traditionally two-dimensional architecture of the memristor into a three-dimensional block, which could then be stacked and packed into the space required to meet the Feynman Grand Prize Challenge.
“Previous groups show that individual blocks can be scaled to very small dimensions, let’s say 10-by-10 nanometers,” said Strukov, who worked at technology company Hewlett-Packard’s labs when they ramped up development of memristors and material implication logic. By applying those results to his group’s developments, he said, the challenge could easily be met.
The tiny memristors are being heavily researched in academia and in industry for their promising uses in memory storage and neuromorphic computing. While implementations of material implication logic are rather exotic and not yet mainstream, uses for it could pop up any time, particularly in energy scarce systems such as robotics and medical implants.
“Since this technology is still new, more research is needed to increase its reliability and lifetime and to demonstrate large scale three-dimensional circuits tightly packed in tens or hundreds of layers,”