




Blue light allows for making carbon-nitrogen bonds without ‘energetically unfavorable’ reactions

As Buchanan and Hull note, amines (which are molecules that have a C—N bond) are very important in the pharmaceutical industry—approximately 84 percent of pharmaceuticals contain amines. But, as they also note, conventional processes that are used to create carbon-nitrogen bonds involve what they describe as energetically unfavorable reactions—they are inefficient. The process typically involves hydroamination which is where a N—H bond is directly added to a C—C molecule, or even to a triple. In this new effort, the researchers report on a new method using a simple blue light from an LED that gets the job done in a more efficient way.


The team at Princeton used a photochemical approach that allowed for the creation of reactive ammonium radical cations using a flashing blue light (for 12 hours), which in turn was used to form the desired isomers. They used the blue light to excite an iridium complex to oxidize the amine, allowing for efficient bonding with the olefin. A thiophenol cocatalyst was then used to move the electron back. The researchers report that their technique could be uses for a variety of olefin and amine compounds allowing for using amines in pharmaceuticals in new and useful ways—some of which, they report, could not be created any other way. Furthermore, they note, the technique is completely atom economical—all of the atoms in the starting materials wound up in the end product.


atom economical = 原子が無駄なく使われる

