ロスアンジェルス小児病院サバン研究所のバーバラ・ドリスコル博士主導の研究で、研究者達は、吸入レスベラトロール療法が、ネズミの肺中の加齢に関連した変性変化を遅くすることを初めて証明しています。airspace enlargement(気腔拡大)や肺機能劣化を特徴とする肺の老化は、慢性肺疾患の重大な危険因子です。本研究は、Thorax誌にオンライン県債されています。
Resveratrol may be an effective intervention for lung aging
Resveratrol (RSL), a chemical found in red wine, is an antimicrobial chemical substance produced by plants to protect against infection and stress-related changes. It has previously been shown to support muscle metabolism when delivered orally.
赤ワインに含まれる化学物質レスベラトロール (RSL)は、感染やストレス関連変化に対抗するために植物によって生産される抗菌性の化学物質です。それは、経口投与されると筋肉代謝をサポートする事が過去に証明されています。
RSL prophylaxis by inhalation was a novel measure taken by the research team as a potential approach for slowing age-related deterioration of lung function and structure by preserving alveolar epithelial type 2 cells (AEC2) which line alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs through which the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place) and produce surfactant which is vital for efficient breathing.
吸入によるレスベラトロール予防法は、肺胞(酸素と二酸化炭素の交換が起こっている肺の微小空気嚢)を揃え、効率的な呼吸に欠かせない界面活性剤を生産する、肺胞2型上皮細胞 (AEC2) を保護することで、肺機能・肺構造の老化劣化を遅延するための有効アプローチとして、研究チームによって取られている今までにない全く新しい手法です。
Although some available therapies can ameliorate symptoms, aging-related lung failure is generally irreversible and is accompanied by high rates of morbidity and mortality due to increased disease risk, including development of COPD, with accompanying emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Using a rapidly aging mouse model, the research team investigated whether the accumulation of age-related degenerative changes in the lung could be slowed by inhaled RSL. Treatment cohorts received either RSL or vehicle by intratracheal (IT) instillation monthly for three months. One month following the final treatment, whole lung function and injury-related gene expression in AEC2 were assessed.
“While the natural deterioration of the human lung generally occurs over decades, the injury to lung cells is analogous to the lung cell damage that occurs in premature infants who experience respiratory distress before their lungs have fully developed,” added Driscoll. “Identifying a way to protect and strengthen young lungs before significant damage occurs is the goal of our research.”