Temple team: Moonlighting function for mitochondrial-calcium influx machinery MCU complex
“MCU had been known for its part in driving mitochondrial calcium uptake for cellular energy production, which protects cells from bioenergetic crisis, and for its role in eliciting calcium overload-induced cell death,” explained senior investigator on the study, Muniswamy Madesh, PhD, Professor in the Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry and Center for Translational Medicine at LKSOM. “Now, we show that MCU has a functional role in both calcium regulation and the sensing of levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within mitochondria.”
“MCUは、細胞を生体エネルギー危機から保護する、細胞内エネルギー生産のためのミトコンドリアカルシウム取り込みを駆動する役目と、カルシウム過負荷誘導細胞破壊引き起こす役割で知られてきました。”と、本研究の主任研究員で、臨床遺伝学・分子生化学とトランスレーショナル医療センター教授Muniswamy Madesh博士が説明しています。”現在我々は、MCUが、ミトコンドリア内部のカルシウム調節と活性酸素種(ROS)濃度検知の双方において、機能的役割を果たしていることを明らかにしています。”
3月2日にMolecular Cell誌にオンライン掲載された本研究は、ミトコンドリアのROSセンシングにおけるMCUの直接的な役割を世界で初めて確認しています。
In previous work, Dr. Madesh and colleagues were the first to show how the MCU protein complex comes together to effect mitochondrial calcium uptake. “We know from that work, and from existing work in the field, that as calcium accumulates in mitochondria, the organelles generate increasing amounts of ROS,” Dr. Madesh said. “Mitochondria have a way of dealing with that ROS surge, and because of the relationship between mitochondrial calcium uptake and ROS production, we suspected ROS-targeting of MCU was involved in that process.”
In the new study, Dr. Madesh and colleagues employed advanced biochemical, cell biological, and superresolution imaging to examine MCU oxidation in the mitochondrion. Critically, they discovered that MCU contains several cysteine molecules in its amino acid structure, only one of which, Cys-97, is capable of undergoing an oxidation-induced reaction known as S-glutathionylation.
Structural analyses showed that oxidation-induced S-glutathionylation of Cys-97 triggers conformational changes within MCU. Those changes in turn regulate MCU activity during inflammation, hypoxia, and cardiac stimulation. They also appear to be relevant to cell survival – elimination of ROS-sensing via Cys-97 mutation resulted in persistent MCU channel activity and an increased rate of calcium-uptake, with cells eventually dying from calcium overload.
The findings could have implications for the understanding of metabolic disorders and neurological and cardiovascular diseases. “Abnormalities in ion homeostasis are a central feature of metabolic disease,” Dr. Madesh said. “We plan next to explore the functional significance of ROS and MCU activity in a mouse model using genome editing technology, which should help us answer fundamental questions about MCU’s biological functions in mitochondrial ROS-sensing.”