Taking B vitamins may reduce epigenetic effects of air pollution
The study, conducted with colleagues at Harvard’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health, in Sweden, China, Singapore, Mexico and Canada, reveals how individual-level prevention may be used to control the potential pathways underlying adverse effects of the particles PM2.5, particles with an aerodynamic diameter of <2.5 μm. These findings could have a significant public health benefit in regions of the world with frequent PM2.5 peaks.
”大気汚染の健康への影響に関する分子的根拠は、感染には理解されてはいませんし、個人レベルでの予防オプション不足が、致命的なknowledge gap(ナレッジギャップ、知識格差)に表れています。”と、メールマンスクール環境健康科学の教授でチェアのアンドレア・バッカレリ博士は言いました。”我々の研究は、大気汚染が、潜在的力学的マーカーに及ぼす有害影響を最小化する予防介入を開発するための一連の調査を始めています。環境影響仲裁における後成的修飾の中心的役割により、我々の発見は、他の有毒物質や公害病にも有効かもしれません。”
世界保健機関(World Health Organization, WHO)は、現在、世界人口の92%が、大気環境水準がWHO制限の10 μg/m3を越える場所に住んでいると見積もっています。
Ambient PM2.5 pollution is one of the most prominent air pollutants because they deposit in the respiratory tract resulting in both lung and systemic inflammation and stress. While there has been substantial lowering of ambient PM2.5 achieved through large-scale emissions control policies over the past few decades, exposure peaks with adverse health consequences are still frequently recorded.
The researchers administered one placebo or B-vitamin supplement (2.5 mg of folic acid, 50 mg of vitamin B6, and 1 mg of vitamin B12) daily to each adult recruited for the trial. To take part in the intervention, volunteers were required to be healthy non-smokers, 18 to 60 years old, who were not taking any medicines or vitamin supplements.
Plasma B vitamin measurements taken before and after placebo and supplementation showed that B-vitamin supplements significantly increased the median plasma concentrations of folic acid (56 nmol/L; IQR: 13; P = 0.02), vitamin B6 (428 nmol/L; IQR: 321; P = 0.004), and vitamin B12 (511 pmol/L; IQR: 85; P = 0.01). For those who took placebos for 4 weeks, their median plasma concentrations were similar: 39 nmol/L (IQR: 24 nmol/L) for folic acid (P = 0.82), 37 nmol/L(IQR: 18 nmol/L) for vitamin B6 (P = 0.75), and 262 pmol/L (IQR: 214 pmol/L) for vitamin B12 (P = 0.42). All exposure experiments were conducted at the same time of the day.
Ambient particles were drawn from an inlet next to a heavily trafficked street in downtown Toronto with more than 1000 vehicles passing through each hour. Particles were delivered via an “oxygen type” facemask. Blood samples were collected and measured using the Infinium Human Methylation 450K BeadChip.
環境粒子は、毎時間1000台以上の車が通るトロント中心部の混雑の激しい通りの隣にある吸気口から集められました。粒子は、酸素型フェイスマスクを通して供給されました、血液サンプルは、Infinium Human Methylation 450K BeadChipを使って採取され試験されました。
“While emission control and regulation is the backbone of prevention, high exposures are, unfortunately, the rule still in many megacities throughout the world. As individuals, we have limited options to protect ourselves against air pollution. Future studies, especially in heavily polluted areas, are urgently needed to validate our findings and ultimately develop preventive interventions using B vitamins to contain the health effects of air pollution,”