控えめな量のチョコレートを日常的に食べる事が、一般的で非常に危険な不整脈である、心房細動(atrial fibrillation, AF)と診断される危険性の大幅な低減と関係している事が、ハーバードT.H.チャン公衆衛生大学院とデンマークの研究者達主導の、デンマーク国内の男女の大規模な研究の中で明らかになっています。今回の研究は、Heart誌にオンライン掲載されています。
Eating chocolate may decrease risk of irregular heartbeat
“Our study adds to the accumulating evidence on the health benefits of moderate chocolate intake and highlights the importance of behavioral factors for potentially lowering the risk of arrhythmias,” said Elizabeth Mostofsky, instructor in the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard Chan School, a postdoctoral fellow at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and lead author of the study.
Previous studies have suggested that cocoa and cocoa-containing foods–in particular, dark chocolate, which has a higher cocoa content than milk chocolate–confer cardiovascular benefits, perhaps because of their high content of flavanols, which may promote healthy blood vessel function. But there has been only limited research on the association between consuming chocolate and the occurrence of AF–which affects millions of people around the world and is linked with higher risk of stroke, heart failure, cognitive decline, dementia, and death.
Diagnoses of AF were identified from the Danish National Patient Register. There were 3,346 cases of AF among the study participants over a 13.5-year follow-up period. Compared with those who ate a one-ounce serving of chocolate less than once per month, men and women who ate one to three servings per month had a 10% lower rate of AF; those who ate one serving per week had a 17% lower rate; and those who ate two to six servings per week had a 20% lower rate. The benefit leveled off slightly with greater amounts of chocolate consumption, with those eating one or more servings per day having a 16% lower AF rate. Results were similar for men and women.