Timing meals later at night can cause weight gain and impair fat metabolism
“We know from our sleep loss studies that when you’re sleep deprived, it negatively affects weight and metabolism in part due to late-night eating, but now these early findings, which control for sleep, give a more comprehensive picture of the benefits of eating earlier in the day,” said Namni Goel, PhD, a research associate professor of psychology in Psychiatry in the division of Sleep and Chronobiology, and lead author of the ongoing study. “Eating later can promote a negative profile of weight, energy, and hormone markers–such as higher glucose and insulin, which are implicated in diabetes, and cholesterol and triglycerides, which are linked with cardiovascular problems and other health conditions.”
“我々は、過去の睡眠不足の研究によって、睡眠不足になると体重や代謝に悪影響を与えることの一部には、夜遅くになってから食べてしまうのが原因である事は分かってはいましたが、現在は、睡眠の調節に関するこういった過去の研究成果が、早い時間に食事を摂るメリットに対する、より包括的な全体像(理解)を与えてくれています。”と、睡眠・時間生物学部精神科の心理学准教授で現在進行中の研究の筆頭著者Namni Goel博士は言いました。”夜遅い食事は、体重、エネルギー、高い水準の、糖尿病に関わっているグルコースとインスリン、心血管障害や他の健康障害に関連しているコレステロールとトリグリセリド等の、ホルモンマーカーのネガティブプロフィールを促進させてしまいます。”
The team found that when participants ate later, compared to the daytime condition, weight increased. Respiratory quotient, i.e. the ratio of carbon dioxide produced by the body to oxygen consumed by the body that indicates which macronutrients are being metabolized, also rose during the delayed eating condition, indicating later eating led to metabolizing fewer lipids and more carbs. The researchers also found that a series of other measures reflecting negative metabolic profiles increased in the delayed condition, including insulin, fasting glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.
Conducting a 24-hour hormonal profile, they also found that in during daytime eating condition, the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, peaked earlier in the daytime, while leptin, which keeps you satiated, peaked later, suggesting that the participants received cues to eat earlier, and eating earlier likely helped them to stay satiated longer. This suggests that eating earlier may help prevent overeating in the evening and at night. As sleep-wake cycles were constant, melatonin levels remained constant in both groups.