通常は、人に危害を加える病原菌の攻撃を払い除けている免疫細胞の小規模集団が、特定の感染症に対峙している間、事もあろうに、本来は守るべき対象であるはずの宿主(人間)に襲い掛かる可能性があることが、6月20日に、オープンアクセスジャーナルであるPLOS Biology誌に掲載された新しい研究が明らかにしています。
Bacterial superantigens turn our immune cells to the dark side
The researchers led by Dr. Mansour Haeryfar at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Canada, in collaboration with researchers from France, Australia and the United States, found for the first time that these immune cells, called mucosa-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells, can mount a rapid and robust inflammatory response that may contribute to severe organ damage or even death due to infections that lead to toxic shock syndrome.
カナダにあるウェスタンオンタリオ大学シューリック医歯学部のMansour Haeryfar博士率いる研究グループが、フランス、オーストラリア、アメリカの研究者達と共同で、粘膜関連インバリアントT(MAIT)細胞と呼ばれている、こういった免疫細胞が、毒素性ショック症候群を引き起こす感染症に起因した、重篤な臓器損傷や、最悪の場合、致命的損傷を与えかねない、急激かつ頑強な炎症反応を開始する可能性があることを、今回初めて発見しています。
Toxic shock syndrome is a life-threatening inflammatory response brought on by exposure to bacterial superantigens, which are toxins harbored and secreted by certain common bacteria, namely Staphylococcus (“staph”) and Streptococcus (“strep”) bacteria. Counterintuitively, it is not the bacteria or its toxins that make toxic shock fatal, but rather the overzealous inflammatory response triggered and perpetuated by the immune system.
Researchers used both animal models and human cells to demonstrate the hyper-responsiveness of MAIT cells to systemic exposure to bacterial superantigens. The team also demonstrated that as MAIT cells responded to superantigens, they also began to develop signs of exhaustion and failure to participate in antimicrobial host defense. This exhaustion may lead to immunosuppression, which can also have fatal consequences due to increased susceptibility to secondary, opportunistic infections.
“In this context, MAIT cells are actually disease-causing as opposed to protective,” said Haeryfar. “We have shown that MAIT cells are the most powerful source of an inflammatory mediator called interferon-γ, thus likely contributing to morbidity associated with toxic shock syndrome and similar superantigen-mediated illnesses.”