心理学者達、ある特定の状況において生じる不安を指す、状態不安と、個人の全般的な人格の一部としての不安を指す、特性不安の、2つの形態の不安についての話をします。いくつかある研究が、重度の特性不安は、個人の社会との関わりの中での、競争能力を著しく損なう可能性があるので、酷く不安な個人を、社会的に不利な立場に追いやり、その事が、さらに不安にするという悪循環に陥ります。今回、スイス工科大学ローザンヌ校の研究者達は、ジアゼパム(バリウム)等の低用量の抗不安薬が、動機と報酬に関連している脳経路のニューロン内のミトコンドリア活性を高めることによって、この悪循環を改善できることを発見しています。今回の彼等の県有は、Molecular Psychiatry誌に掲載されています。
Low-dose diazepam can increase social competitiveness
Some people tend to be relaxed while others are perpetually worried and tense. The difference is what psychologists call “trait anxiety”, and studies have shown that can have significant consequences on social life. Specifically, trait anxiety can undermine a person’s confidence in competing for social standing, making them feel overlooked and rejected: a condition psychologists call “social subordination”.
Previous studies have suggested anxiolytic drugs — for example the benzodiazepines, which include diazepam — could perhaps help relieve anxiety-related social subordination, but the evidence has been scarce, and the idea was virtually dismissed by the scientific community.
Wanting to connect this behavioral change to neuroscience, the researchers also looked at the neural circuits it involves. Specifically, they focused on two regions of the brain: First, the ventral tegmental area (VTA), which is one of the brain regions where diazepam is known to act. Second, the nucleus accumbens, which receives input from the VTA, and which the lab has previously shown to be heavily involved in trait anxiety and social competitiveness. Both regions are known to be involved the processing of motivation and reward.
The scientists showed that diazepam increases the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine from VTA neurons to the nucleus accumbens. The increased dopamine acts on specialized receptors on the nucleus accumbens neurons (D1 dopaminergic receptors), and activates them. These in turn trigger a biochemical cascade that increases the activity and energy output of the neurons’ mitochondria — the cell’s powerhouses.
Specifically, the mitochondria increase their “respiration”, which is the set of metabolic reactions that break down glucose and turn it into ATP, the cell’s energy molecule. In short, diazepam increases ATP in the neurons of the nucleus accumbens, and this ultimately enhances the individual’s ability to compete socially.
The work establishes the role of anxiolytics in combating social subordination and, more critically, shows that mitochondrial function is a promising target for drug treatment of anxiety-related social dysfunctions.