エール大学医学部の研究者達が、ニューロン内部のリソソーム輸送における障害が、アルツハイマー病を患ったマウスの脳内での、タンパク質凝集体の蓄積を促進していることを発見しています。The Journal of Cell Biology(JCB)に掲載予定の本研究が、リソソーム輸送を修復する方法を開発することが、神経変性障害に対する新しい治療手段になるかもと言っています。
Scientists reveal role for lysosome transport in Alzheimer’s disease progression
Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, with over 5 million Americans currently estimated to be living with the disorder. A characteristic feature of the disease is the formation of amyloid plaques inside the brain. The plaques consist of extracellular aggregates of a toxic protein fragment called β-amyloid surrounded by numerous swollen axons, the parts of neurons that conduct electric impulses to other nerve cells.
These axonal swellings are packed with lysosomes, cellular garbage disposal units that degrade old or damaged components of the cell. In neurons, lysosomes are thought to “mature” as they are transported from the ends of axons to the neuronal cell body, gradually acquiring the ability to degrade their cargo. The lysosomes that get stuck and accumulate inside the axonal swellings associated with amyloid plaques fail to properly mature, but how these lysosomes contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease is unclear. One possibility is that they promote the buildup of β-amyloid because some of the enzymes that generate β-amyloid by cleaving a protein called amyloid precursor protein (APP) accumulate in the swellings with the immature lysosomes.
Shawn Ferguson and colleagues at Yale University School of Medicine investigated this possibility by impeding the transport of lysosomes in mouse neurons. The researchers found that neurons lacking a protein called JIP3 failed to transport lysosomes from axons to the cell body, leading to the accumulation of lysosomes in axonal swellings similar to those seen in Alzheimer’s disease patients. The swellings also accumulated APP and two enzymes–called BACE1 and presenilin 2–that cleave it to generate β-amyloid. Neurons lacking JIP3 therefore generated increased amounts of β-amyloid.