若年・高齢の両マウスへの長寿ホルモン・クロトー断片単回投与が、空間記憶と作業記憶を向上させ、海馬ニューロン間接続を急速に強め、こういった認知機能に対する効果は、数週間続いたことが、 Cell Reports誌に掲載された研究が示しています。さらに、クロトーフラグメントを用いた短期治療が、病的脳を持ったマウスの認知・運動障害に対抗しました。今回のアプローチが、人に対して、安全で効果的かどうかをテストするための臨床研究が必要です。
Longevity hormone klotho boosts memory and protects against brain aging in mice
High levels of the naturally occurring hormone klotho, which regulates multiple signaling pathways and cellular processes, are associated with longer lifespan in worms, mice, and humans. In model organisms and humans, klotho levels decline with age, chronic stress, cognitive aging, and neurodegenerative disease.
In recent studies, Dubal and her team discovered that life-long exposure to high levels of klotho enhances normal cognition in genetically engineered mice and protects against brain dysfunction in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. But until now, a major open question was whether short-term klotho treatment could rapidly enhance brain functions.
In this study, Dubal and her team treated mice with injections of the α-klotho protein fragment (αKL-F), which resembles the secreted form of the hormone. Young mice that received daily αKL-F treatment for four days showed improved spatial learning and memory performance in a classic test called the Morris water maze, which assesses the ability to find and remember the location of a hidden platform submerged in a pool of water. Similarly, a single injection of αKL-F improved working memory performance four hours later in the small Y-maze, which measures alternations between exploring arms of the maze. These cognitive benefits lasted at least two weeks after the last treatment.
Moreover, old mice that received a single injection of αKL-F showed improved spatial and working memory performance two days later in the two-trial Y-maze, which measures the natural preference to explore the novel arm of the maze. Additional experiments demonstrated that αKL-F treatment for several days counters motor and cognitive deficits in mice engineered to produce high levels of a pathogenic protein called α-synuclein, which contributes to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.