31000人以上の新しい子宮内膜癌患者が、2017年に診断される予定です。PLOS One誌に現在掲載中の5年間の観察研究により、ミズーリ大学の研究者達は、腎臓、肝臓、甲殻類等の食品や煙草に含まれることが多い金属、カドミウムの水準が高い女性が、子宮内膜癌のリスクが高まることを発見しています。それは、研究者達が期待している、女性に4番目に多い癌を予防するための、新しい治療法もしくは介入治療をもたらしてくれる観察結果です。
Increased endometrial cancer rates found in women with high levels of cadmium
“Cadmium is an estrogen-mimicking chemical, meaning it imitates estrogen and its effects on the body,” said lead author Jane McElroy, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the MU School of Medicine. “Endometrial cancer has been associated with estrogen exposure. Because cadmium mimics estrogen, it may lead to an increased growth of the endometrium, contributing to an increased risk of endometrial cancer.”
“We all have cadmium present in our kidneys and livers, but smoking has been shown to more than double a person’s cadmium exposure,” McElroy said. “Also, we recommend being attentive to your diet, as certain foods such as shellfish, kidney and liver can contain high levels of cadmium. You don’t necessarily need to cut these from your diet, but eat them in moderation. This is especially true if women have a predisposition to endometrial cancer, such as a family history, diabetes or obesity.”