高齢者間の神経生物学的障害の一般的な指標が、ニューサウスウェールズ大学健康脳加齢センターのニコール・A・コーチャン氏によって、オープンアクセスジャーナルPLOS ONEに掲載された研究によると、死亡率とも関係している可能性があるみたいです。
Reaction time variation may be a marker that predicts mortality in old age
Intraindividual reaction time variability (IIVRT), defined as an individual’s variation in reaction times when completing a single cognitive task across several trials, has been associated with mild cognitive decline, dementia and Parkinson’s disease. The authors of this study investigated whether IIVRT is also associated with mortality in old age by following a cohort of 861 adults aged 70 years to 90 years over an eight-year period.
数回の試行にわたって単一認知作業を完了する時の、個人の反応時間のばらつきとして定義されている反応時間個人内変動 (IIVRT)は、軽度認知衰退、認知症、パーキンソン病と関係しています。本研究の著者達は、8年の期間に渡り、70歳~90歳の成人861人のコホートを追跡調査することによって、IIVRTが、高齢者の死亡率とも関係しているかどうかを調査しています。
Kochan and colleagues tested the participants’ baseline reaction time by having them complete two brief computerized cognitive tasks comprising 76 trials to measure the average reaction time and the extent of variation over the trials. Every two years, research psychologists followed up on the participants and conducted a comprehensive medical assessment including a battery of neuropsychological tests to assess the participants’ cognitive function. Cases were also reviewed by a panel of experts to determine a dementia diagnosis in each two year follow-up, and mortality data was collected from the state registry.
“The study was the first to comprehensively account for effects of overall cognitive level and dementia on the relationship between intraindividual variability of reaction time and mortality,” says Kochan. “Our findings suggest that greater intraindividual reaction time variability is a behavioural marker that uniquely predicts shorter time to death.”