Long-term follow-up finds no increased overall risk of death with menopausal hormone therapy
The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) hormone therapy trials were designed to assess the benefits and risks of menopausal hormone therapy taken for chronic disease prevention by predominantly healthy postmenopausal women. Health outcomes have been reported, but previous publications have generally not focused on all-cause and cause-specific mortality. All-cause mortality is a critically important summary measure representing the net effect of hormone therapy on serious and life-threatening health conditions.
JoAnn E. Manson, M.D., Dr.P.H., of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, and colleagues examined total and cause-specific mortality during cumulative 18-year follow-up (intervention plus extended post-intervention phases) of the two randomized WHI hormone therapy trials: conjugated equine estrogens (CEE, 0.625 mg/d) plus medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA, 2.5 mg/d) (n = 8,506) vs placebo (n = 8,102) for 5.6 years (median); or CEE alone (n = 5,310) vs placebo (n = 5,429) for 7.2 years (median). The analysis included postmenopausal women ages 50 to 79 years who were enrolled in the trials between 1993 and1998 and followed up through 2014.
ボストンのハーバード大学医学部ブリガム・アンド・ウィメンズ病院のジョアン・E・マンソン博士と同僚達は、2つの無作為化WHIホルモン療法トライアルの18年にわたる累積追跡調査期間(介入治療プラス長期介入後フェーズ)の全死因死亡率と原因別死亡率を調べました。1つは、結合型エストロゲン(CEE, 0.625 mg/d)プラス酢酸メドロキシプロゲステロン(MPA, 2.5 mg/d)(n = 8,506)とプラセボ(n = 8,102)の5.6年間(平均)の対照試験、もう1つは、CEEのみ(n = 5,310)とプラシーボ(n = 5,429)の7.2年間(平均)の対照試験。1993年~1998年の間トライアルに参加し、2014年まで追跡調査を受けた、50歳~79歳の閉経後女性達が、今回の分析に関わっています。
Several limitations of the study are noted in the article, including that only one dose, formulation, and route of administration in each trial was assessed; thus, results are not necessarily generalizable to other hormone preparations.