心理学用語:Grit Scale(グリットスケール、根気の尺度)



Grit Scale(グリット・スケール)テストという、個人の知能指数を測るIQテストや、心の知能指数を測るEQテストのようなテストがあるようです。Grit = 度胸、勇気、根性、やる気、気概といったような意味ですが(砂粒、砂利という意味もある)、grit scaleのgritは、やり抜く力と訳されることが多いようですが、グリットスケールは、熱意の尺度や根気の尺度とも訳されてもいます。



Immeasurable hardiness of character

The questionnaire is used to measure ‘grit’ – a personality trait which combines perseverance in reaching one’s goals, on one hand, and consistency of one’s interests over time, on the other. HSE researchers have found a way to prove that ‘grit’ is not a single personality trait and the Grit Scale measures two independent constructs. Their findings are published in the European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

グリットスケール(根気尺度の)質問票が、ここ10年にわたり、調査分野だけではなく、実用心理学や従業員選抜においても、人気を獲得しています。質問表は、初志貫徹に必要な忍耐力と、個人の関心の長期一貫性を併せ持った個性である、根気を測るのに使われています。HSE研究者達は、gritが単一の個性ではないことと、グリットスケールが、2つの独立した概念を測っていることを証明するための方法を発見しています。European Journal of Psychological Assessmentに、彼等の研究結果が掲載されています。

About ten years ago, American researcher Angela Duckworth added a new term to psychology: ‘grit’, meaning hardiness of character and perseverance. Together with her colleagues, Duckworth developed the Grit Scale. It turns out that individuals who score high on the Grit Scale demonstrate greater achievement in various fields, including military training, medicine, science and competitive sports, than others of equal intelligence and social status but lower grit scores. Indeed, in certain cases, grit proved to be more important for academic and professional success than intelligence.


The test immediately gained popularity. Over the past ten years, the Grit Scale has been widely used in research, and different types of achievement and success have been explained by grit. In psychology, the term has become part of the everyday vocabulary of practitioners as well as academic researchers. The questionnaire is freely accessible and quite simple, consisting of 12 statements in the long version and six in the short version – yet another factor for its popularity. In a series of publications, the authors of the concept demonstrated the reliability and internal validity of their questionnaire in measuring grit as a single personality trait. In other words, they showed that the two components of grit – perseverance of effort and consistency of interests over time – are sustainably manifested together.




Following a complex, multi-stage analysis, the researchers found no evidence to support the existence of grit as a single personality characteristic. Instead, the Grit Scale appears to measures two independent characteristics, namely perseverance of effort and consistency of interests.


So called “Gritty person”, which can be of a specific interest of employers, for instance, is no more than a fortunate composition of two traits. Soour results are rather about the accuracy of psychological terms. Practically, it means that test users have no reason to combine the scores of these two traits – perseverance of effort and consistency of interests – into an overalll “grit” score, because no specific entity exists under this modern label. At the same time, it is still worthwhile to seek out tenacious and motivated workers with stable interests in your domain.






