砂糖を大量に摂取する健康な人達は、心臓病発症リスクが大幅に上昇するらしいです。サリー大学による画期的な研究が、他の点では健康な男性の被験者群が、糖分が多い食事の摂取後、血中脂肪と肝臓脂肪の量が増加することを明らかにしています。Clinical Scienceに掲載された本研究は、肝臓脂肪量が多い男性と少ない男性の2つのグループに着目し、彼等に、高糖質食か低糖質食を与え、肝臓脂肪の量が、糖分の影響が、心臓の健康を左右するのかどうかを調べています。低糖食は、推奨摂取量に近い、1日140カロリー未満相当の糖分を含む一方で、高糖食の方は、650カロリーに相当する糖分を含んでいます。つまり、高糖食は、低糖食の約4.5倍の糖分を含むことになります。
Healthy people are at risk of developing heart disease, says Surrey expert
After 12 weeks on the high sugar diet, the men with a high level of liver fat – a condition known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) – showed changes in their fat metabolism that are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes.
Fat metabolism is the biochemical process by which fats are transported and broken down in the blood, and used by the cells of the body.
The results also revealed that when the group of healthy men with a low level of liver fat consumed a high amount of sugar, their liver fat increased and their fat metabolism became similar to that of the men with NAFLD.
“While most adults don’t consume the high levels of sugar we used in this study, some children and teenagers may reach these levels of sugar intake by over-consuming fizzy drinks and sweets. This raises concern for the future health of the younger population, especially in view of the alarmingly high prevalence of NAFLD in children and teenagers, and exponential rise of fatal liver disease in adults.”