米国癌学会による新しい研究が、さまざまな改善可能ながん発現のリスク因子に対する寄与度を算出し、喫煙から果物・野菜不足に至る、既知の危険因子の役割を明確にしています。今回の研究は、アメリカ国内の癌症例と癌死の4割以上が、これらの主要な修正可能なリスク因子と関連していて、その多くが、予防介入で緩和可能な事を示しています。本研究は、CAに早期オンライン掲載されています。(CA:A Cancer Journal for Clinicians)
Study calculates contribution of risk factors to cancer in the United States
In this new analysis, investigators led by Farhad Islami, M.D., Ph.D., of the American Cancer Society used the prevalence of known risk factors and their relative risk (the extent to which they increase cancer risk) to estimate the proportion of cancers due to those factors. They then applied those proportions to actual cancer data to estimate the number of associated cases and deaths overall and for 26 cancer types. The risk factors included in the analysis were: cigarette smoking; secondhand smoke; excess body weight; alcohol intake; consumption of red and processed meat; low consumption of fruits/vegetables, dietary fiber, and dietary calcium; physical inactivity; ultraviolet light; and six cancer-associated infections.
今回の新しい分析の中で、米国癌学会のFarhad Islami博士を中心とした研究者達は、それらの因子による癌の比率を見積もるために、既知のリスク因子の罹患率とそれらの相対危険度(それらが癌リスクを増加させる度合い)を使っています。彼等は、それから、26種の癌用の、関連症例・関連死全体の数を推定するために、実際の癌データに前者の比率を適合させました。分析のリスク因子には、喫煙、副流煙、体重超過、飲酒、赤身肉と加工肉摂取、野菜や果物や食物繊維、食事性カルシウムの摂取不足、運動不足、紫外線、6種の癌関連感染症が含まれます。
They found that in the U.S., an estimated 42.0% of all cancer cases (659,640 of 1,570,975 cancers) and 45.1% of cancer deaths (265,150 of 587,521 deaths) in 2014 were attributable to these modifiable risk factors.
Cigarette smoking accounted for the highest proportion of cancer cases (19.0%; 298,970 cases) and deaths (28.8%; 169,180 deaths), followed by excess body weight (7.8% of cases; 6.5% of deaths), alcohol intake (5.6% of cases; 4.0% of deaths), UV radiation (4.7% of cancers; 1.5% of deaths) and physical inactivity (2.9% of cases and 2.2% of deaths). Low fruit and vegetable intake accounted for 1.9% of cases and 2.7% of deaths, while HPV infection accounted for 1.8% of cases and 1.1% of deaths.
Smoking accounted for 81.7% of lung cancers, 73.8% of larynx cancers, 50% of esophageal cancers, and 46.9% of bladder cancers.
Excess body weight was associated with 60.3% of uterine cancers, about one-third of liver cancers (33.9%), 11.3% of breast cancers in women, and 5.2% of colorectal cancers.
Alcohol intake was associated with almost one-half of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers in men (46.3%) and about one-fourth (27.4%) in women, 24.8% of liver cancers in men and 11.9% in women, 17.1% of colorectal cancers in men and 8.1% in women, and 16.4% of breast cancers in women.
Physical inactivity accounted for 26.7% of uterine cancers, 16.3% of colorectal cancers, and 3.9% of female breast cancers.
女性にとって、飲酒と肥満と運動不足は女性特有癌と大腸がんの3大危険因子となっています。男性も女性も、喫煙はとにかく最悪なのでやめた方がいいでしょう。面白いのは、セコンドハンドスモーキング(secondhand smoking:副流煙、受動喫煙)のがん発症寄与率が、予想以上に低かったことです。