Pacific Northwest National Laboratory(パシフィック・ノースウエスト国立研究所)の高性能演算に関する研究は、コンピュータの小型化、高速化、省電力化を目指しています。端的に言えば、複雑な化学反応や送電網監視のような、相当な計算力を必要とする科学的課題を解決できる、今とは比較にならない強力なコンピューターを作り出すことに主眼を置いています。
Changing the game | EurekAlert! Science News
The jump from supercomputers to video games began when Song asked if hardware called 3D stacked memory could do something it was never designed to do: help render 3D graphics. 3D rendering has advanced science with visualizations, models and even virtual reality. It’s also the stuff of video games.
“We’re pushing the boundaries of what hardware can do,” Song said. “And though we tested our idea on video games, this improvement ultimately benefits science.”
Song collaborated with researchers from the University of Houston to develop a new architecture for 3D stacked memory that increases 3D rendering speeds up to 65 percent. The researchers exploited the hardware’s feature called “processing in memory,” the results of which they presented at the 2017 IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, or HPCA.
A normal graphics card uses a graphics processing unit, or GPU, to create images from data stored on memory. 3D stacked memory has an added logic layer that allows for the memory to do some processing too — hence the name “processing in memory.” This essentially reduces the data that has to travel from memory to GPU cores. And like an open highway, less traffic means faster speeds.
The researchers found the last step in rendering — called anisotropic filtering — creates the most traffic. So by moving anisotropic filtering to the first step in the pipeline, and performing that process in memory, the researchers found the greatest performance boost.