






Downloaded 'HorseHead.fits'.


import as pyfits   # Library to read FITS
import pycuda.autoinit             # PyCuda autoinit
import pycuda.driver as cuda       # PyCuda In, Out helpers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot   # Library to plot
import as colormap   # Library to plot
import numpy                       # Fast math library
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 30
pylab.rcParams["font.size"] = "20"

from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule

# Open FITS image
fits ='HorseHead.fits')
# Get the image data as array
data = fits[0].data.astype(numpy.float32)
# Read image metadata
header = fits[0].header
# Show all metadata

# PyCuda: Create kernel
kernel = SourceModule("""
__global__ void log_fast(float *result, float *source) {
    const int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    result[i] = log10(source[i]);

# PyCuda: Get function
log_fast = kernel.get_function("log_fast")

# PyCuda: Calculate block size
block = (BLOCK_SIZE, 1, 1)
grid = (int(data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] / BLOCK_SIZE) + 1, 1, 1)

# PyCuda: Call the function to transform image
data_result = numpy.zeros_like(data)
start_time = time.time()
log_fast(cuda.Out(data_result), cuda.In(data), block=block, grid=grid)
end_time = time.time()
cuda_time = end_time - start_time
print("PyCuda log10 {0:.4f} seconds".format(cuda_time))

# NumPy
start_time = time.time()
np_data_result = numpy.log10(data)
end_time = time.time()
numpy_time = end_time - start_time
print("NumPy log10 {0:.4f} seconds ".format(numpy_time))

print("PyCuda is {0:.1f} times faster than NumPy".format(numpy_time / cuda_time))

# Show image using matplotlib
figure = plot.figure()
plot.imshow(data, cmap = colormap.Greys_r)
plot.imshow(data_result, cmap = colormap.Greys_r)
plot.imshow(np_data_result, cmap = colormap.Greys_r)
<bound method Header.keys of SIMPLE  =                    T /FITS: Compliance                                
BITPIX  =                   16 /FITS: I*2 Data                                  
NAXIS   =                    2 /FITS: 2-D Image Data                            
NAXIS1  =                  891 /FITS: X Dimension                               
NAXIS2  =                  893 /FITS: Y Dimension                               
EXTEND  =                    T /FITS: File can contain extensions               
DATE    = '2014-01-09        '  /FITS: Creation Date                            
ORIGIN  = 'STScI/MAST'         /GSSS: STScI Digitized Sky Survey                
SURVEY  = 'SERC-ER '           /GSSS: Sky Survey                                
REGION  = 'ER768   '           /GSSS: Region Name                               
PLATEID = 'A0JP    '           /GSSS: Plate ID                                  
SCANNUM = '01      '           /GSSS: Scan Number                               
DSCNDNUM= '00      '           /GSSS: Descendant Number                         
TELESCID=                    4 /GSSS: Telescope ID                              
BANDPASS=                   36 /GSSS: Bandpass Code                             
COPYRGHT= 'AAO/ROE '           /GSSS: Copyright Holder                          
SITELAT =              -31.277 /Observatory: Latitude                           
SITELONG=              210.934 /Observatory: Longitude                          
TELESCOP= 'UK Schmidt - Doubl' /Observatory: Telescope                          
INSTRUME= 'Photographic Plate' /Detector: Photographic Plate                    
EMULSION= 'IIIaF   '           /Detector: Emulsion                              
FILTER  = 'OG590   '           /Detector: Filter                                
PLTSCALE=                67.20 /Detector: Plate Scale arcsec per mm             
PLTSIZEX=              355.000 /Detector: Plate X Dimension mm                  
PLTSIZEY=              355.000 /Detector: Plate Y Dimension mm                  
PLATERA =        85.5994550000 /Observation: Field centre RA degrees            
PLATEDEC=       -4.94660910000 /Observation: Field centre Dec degrees           
PLTLABEL= 'OR14052 '           /Observation: Plate Label                        
DATE-OBS= '1990-12-22T13:49:00' /Observation: Date/Time                         
EXPOSURE=                 65.0 /Observation: Exposure Minutes                   
PLTGRADE= 'AD2     '           /Observation: Plate Grade                        
OBSHA   =             0.158333 /Observation: Hour Angle                         
OBSZD   =              26.3715 /Observation: Zenith Distance                    
AIRMASS =              1.11587 /Observation: Airmass                            
REFBETA =        66.3196420000 /Observation: Refraction Coeff                   
REFBETAP=     -0.0820000000000 /Observation: Refraction Coeff                   
REFK1   =        6423.52290000 /Observation: Refraction Coeff                   
REFK2   =       -102122.550000 /Observation: Refraction Coeff                   
CNPIX1  =                12237 /Scan: X Corner                                  
CNPIX2  =                19965 /Scan: Y Corner                                  
XPIXELS =                23040 /Scan: X Dimension                               
YPIXELS =                23040 /Scan: Y Dimension                               
XPIXELSZ=              15.0295 /Scan: Pixel Size microns                        
YPIXELSZ=              15.0000 /Scan: Pixel Size microns                        
PPO1    =       -3069417.00000 /Scan: Orientation Coeff                         
PPO2    =       0.000000000000 /Scan: Orientation Coeff                         
PPO3    =        177500.000000 /Scan: Orientation Coeff                         
PPO4    =       0.000000000000 /Scan: Orientation Coeff                         
PPO5    =        3069417.00000 /Scan: Orientation Coeff                         
PPO6    =        177500.000000 /Scan: Orientation Coeff                         
PLTRAH  =                    5 /Astrometry: Plate Centre H                      
PLTRAM  =                   42 /Astrometry: Plate Centre M                      
PLTRAS  =                23.86 /Astrometry: Plate Centre S                      
PLTDECSN= '-       '           /Astrometry: Plate Centre +/-                    
PLTDECD =                    4 /Astrometry: Plate Centre D                      
PLTDECM =                   56 /Astrometry: Plate Centre M                      
PLTDECS =                 47.9 /Astrometry: Plate Centre S                      
EQUINOX =               2000.0 /Astrometry: Equinox                             
AMDX1   =        67.1550859799 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX2   =      0.0431478884485 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX3   =       -292.435619180 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX4   =  -2.68934864702E-005 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX5   =   1.99133423290E-005 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX6   =  -2.37011931379E-006 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX7   =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX8   =   2.21426387429E-006 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX9   =  -8.12841581455E-008 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX10  =   2.48169090021E-006 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX11  =   2.77618933926E-008 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX12  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX13  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX14  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX15  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX16  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX17  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX18  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX19  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDX20  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY1   =        67.1593591466 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY2   =     -0.0471363749174 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY3   =        316.004963520 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY4   =   2.86798151430E-005 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY5   =  -2.00968236347E-005 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY6   =   2.27840393227E-005 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY7   =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY8   =   2.23885090381E-006 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY9   =  -2.28360163464E-008 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY10  =   2.44828851495E-006 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY11  =  -5.76717487998E-008 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY12  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY13  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY14  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY15  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY16  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY17  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY18  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY19  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDY20  =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC1 Coeff                          
AMDREX1 =        67.1532034737 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX2 =      0.0434354199559 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX3 =       -292.435438892 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX4 =   4.60919247070E-006 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX5 =  -3.21138058537E-006 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX6 =   7.23651736725E-006 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX7 =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX8 =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX9 =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX10=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX11=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX12=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX13=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX14=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX15=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX16=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX17=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX18=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX19=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREX20=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY1 =        67.1522589487 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY2 =     -0.0481758265285 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY3 =        315.995683716 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY4 =  -7.47397531230E-006 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY5 =   9.55221105409E-007 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY6 =   7.60954485251E-006 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY7 =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY8 =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY9 =       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY10=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY11=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY12=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY13=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY14=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY15=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY16=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY17=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY18=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY19=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
AMDREY20=       0.000000000000 /Astrometry: GSC2 Coeff                          
ASTRMASK= 'er.mask '           /Astrometry: GSC2 Mask                           
WCSAXES =                    2 /GetImage: Number WCS axes                       
WCSNAME = 'DSS               ' /GetImage: Local WCS approximation from full plat
RADESYS = 'ICRS              ' /GetImage: GSC-II calibration using ICRS system  
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN          ' /GetImage: RA-Gnomic projection                  
CRPIX1  =           446.000000 /GetImage: X reference pixel                     
CRVAL1  =            85.274970 /GetImage: RA of reference pixel                 
CUNIT1  = 'deg               ' /GetImage: degrees                               
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN          ' /GetImage: Dec-Gnomic projection                 
CRPIX2  =           447.000000 /GetImage: Y reference pixel                     
CRVAL2  =            -2.458265 /GetImage: Dec of reference pixel                
CUNIT2  = 'deg               ' /Getimage: degrees                               
CD1_1   =        -0.0002802651 /GetImage: rotation matrix coefficient           
CD1_2   =         0.0000003159 /GetImage: rotation matrix coefficient           
CD2_1   =         0.0000002767 /GetImage: rotation matrix coefficient           
CD2_2   =         0.0002798187 /GetImage: rotation matrix coefficient           
OBJECT  = 'data              ' /GetImage: Requested Object Name                 
DATAMIN =                 3759 /GetImage: Minimum returned pixel value          
DATAMAX =                22918 /GetImage: Maximum returned pixel value          
OBJCTRA = '05 41 06.000      ' /GetImage: Requested Right Ascension (J2000)     
OBJCTDEC= '-02 27 30.00      ' /GetImage: Requested Declination (J2000)         
OBJCTX  =             12682.48 /GetImage: Requested X on plate (pixels)         
OBJCTY  =             20411.37 /GetImage: Requested Y on plate (pixels)         >
PyCuda log10 0.0022 seconds
NumPy log10 0.0121 seconds 
PyCuda is 5.5 times faster than NumPy





Downloaded 'spitzer_example_image.fits'.


import as pyfits   # Library to read FITS
import pycuda.autoinit             # PyCuda autoinit
import pycuda.driver as cuda       # PyCuda In, Out helpers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot   # Library to plot
import as colormap   # Library to plot
import numpy                       # Fast math library
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 30
pylab.rcParams["font.size"] = "20"

from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule

# Open FITS image
fits ='spitzer_example_image.fits')
# Get the image data as array
data = fits[0].data.astype(numpy.float32)
# Read image metadata
header = fits[0].header
# Show all metadata

# PyCuda: Create kernel
kernel = SourceModule("""
__global__ void log_fast(float *result, float *source) {
    const int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    result[i] = log10(source[i]);

# PyCuda: Get function
log_fast = kernel.get_function("log_fast")

# PyCuda: Calculate block size
block = (BLOCK_SIZE, 1, 1)
grid = (int(data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] / BLOCK_SIZE) + 1, 1, 1)

# PyCuda: Call the function to transform image
data_result = numpy.zeros_like(data)
start_time = time.time()
log_fast(cuda.Out(data_result), cuda.In(data), block=block, grid=grid)
end_time = time.time()
cuda_time = end_time - start_time
print("PyCuda log10 {0:.4f} seconds".format(cuda_time))

# NumPy
start_time = time.time()
np_data_result = numpy.log10(data)
end_time = time.time()
numpy_time = end_time - start_time
print("NumPy log10 {0:.4f} seconds ".format(numpy_time))

print("PyCuda is {0:.1f} times faster than NumPy".format(numpy_time / cuda_time))

# Show image using matplotlib
figure = plot.figure()
plot.imshow(data, cmap = colormap.Greys_r)
plot.imshow(data_result, cmap = colormap.Greys_r)
plot.imshow(np_data_result, cmap = colormap.Greys_r)
<bound method Header.keys of SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                 1025 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                  513 / length of data axis 2                          
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
TELESCOP= 'SPITZER '           / Telescope                                      
INSTRUME= 'IRAC    '           / Instrument ID                                  
ORIGIN  = 'UW Astronomy Dept'  / Installation where FITS file written           
CREATOR = 'GLIMPSE Pipeline'   / SW that created this FITS file                 
CREATOR1= 'S13.2.0 '           / SSC pipeline that created the BCD              
PIPEVERS= '1v04    '           / GLIMPSE pipeline version                       
MOSAICER= 'Montage V2.2'       / SW that originally created the Mosaic Image    
FILENAME= 'GLM_01800+0000_mosaic_I2.fits' / Name of this file                   
PROJECT = 'FSURVEY '           / Project ID                                     
FILETYPE= 'mosaic  '           / Calibrated image(mosaic)/residual image(resid) 
CHNLNUM =                    2 / 1 digit Instrument Channel Number              
DATE    = '2006-12-02T01:06:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC)  
COMMENT --------------------                                                    
COMMENT Proposal Information                                                    
COMMENT --------------------                                                    
OBSRVR  = 'Ed Churchwell'      / Observer Name                                  
OBSRVRID=                   90 / Observer ID of Principal Investigator          
PROCYCLE=                    2 / Proposal Cycle                                 
PROGID  =                  146 / Program ID                                     
PROTITLE= 'The SIRTF Galactic Plane Surve' / Program Title                      
PROGCAT =                   27 / Program Category                               
COMMENT -----------------------------                                           
COMMENT Time and Exposure Information                                           
COMMENT -----------------------------                                           
SAMPTIME=                  0.2 / [sec] Sample integration time                  
FRAMTIME=                  2.0 / [sec] Time spent integrating (whole array)     
EXPTIME =                  1.2 / [sec] Effective integration time per pixel     
COMMENT DN per pixel=flux(photons/sec/pixel)/gain*EXPTIME                       
AFOWLNUM=                    4 / Fowler number                                  
COMMENT --------------------                                                    
COMMENT Pointing Information                                                    
COMMENT --------------------                                                    
CRPIX1  = 1.161500000000000E+03 / Reference pixel for x-position                
CRPIX2  = -3.885000000000000E+02 / Reference pixel for y-position               
CTYPE1  = 'GLON-CAR'           / Projection Type                                
CTYPE2  = 'GLAT-CAR'           / Projection Type                                
CRVAL1  =          18.00000000 / [Deg] Galactic Longtitude at reference pixel   
CRVAL2  =           0.00000000 / [Deg] Galactic Latitude at reference pixel     
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / Equinox for celestial coordinate system        
DELTA-X =           3.10666656 / [Deg] size of image in axis 1                  
DELTA-Y =           2.40666676 / [Deg] size of image in axis 2                  
BORDER  =           0.00333333 / [Deg] mosaic grid border                       
CD1_1   =      -3.33333330E-04                                                  
CD1_2   =       0.00000000E+00                                                  
CD2_1   =       0.00000000E+00                                                  
CD2_2   =       3.33333330E-04                                                  
PIXSCAL1=                1.200 / [arcsec/pixel] pixel scale for axis 1          
PIXSCAL2=                1.200 / [arcsec/pixel] pixel scale for axis 2          
OLDPIXSC=                1.213 / [arcsec/pixel] pixel scale of single IRAC frame
RA      =         275.92636108 / [Deg] Right ascension at mosaic center         
DEC     =         -13.25728989 / [Deg] Declination at mosaic center             
COMMENT ----------------------                                                  
COMMENT Photometry Information                                                  
COMMENT ----------------------                                                  
BUNIT   = 'MJy/sr  '           / Units of image data                            
GAIN    =                  3.7 / e/DN conversion                                
JY2DN   =           249988.703 / Average Jy to DN Conversion                    
ETIMEAVE=               1.2000 / [sec] Average exposure time                    
PA_AVE  =                86.62 / [deg] Average position angle                   
ZODY_AVE=              0.23927 / [Mjy/sr] Average ZODY_EST-SKYDRKZB             
COMMENT Flux conversion (FLUXCONV) for this mosaic =                            
COMMENT Average of FLXC from each frame*(old pixel scale/new pixel scale)**2    
FLUXCONV=          0.141823635 / Average MJy/sr to DN/s Conversion              
COMMENT -----------------------------                                           
COMMENT AORKEYS/ADS Ident Information                                           
COMMENT -----------------------------                                           
AOR001  = '0012104704'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR002  = '0012106752'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR003  = '0012108288'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR004  = '0012107776'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR005  = '0012103936'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR006  = '0012105472'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR007  = '0012102400'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR008  = '0012109568'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR009  = '0012111104'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR010  = '0012101376'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR011  = '0012107520'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR012  = '0012111360'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR013  = '0012110080'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
AOR014  = '0013652224'         / AORKEYS used in this mosaic                    
DSID001 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012104704' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID002 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012106752' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID003 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012108288' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID004 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012107776' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID005 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012103936' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID006 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012105472' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID007 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012102400' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID008 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012109568' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID009 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012111104' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID010 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012101376' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID011 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012107520' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID012 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012111360' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID013 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0012110080' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
DSID014 = 'ads/sa.spitzer#0013652224' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
NIMAGES =                 2173 / Number of IRAC Frames in Mosaic                >
PyCuda log10 0.0047 seconds
NumPy log10 0.0091 seconds 
PyCuda is 1.9 times faster than NumPy


参考サイトUsing PyCuda to boost FITS image processing times
