But did you know that if you peek into the cat box frequently — thousands of times a second — you can either delay the fateful choice or, conversely, accelerate it? The delay is known as the quantum Zeno effect and the acceleration as the quantum anti-Zeno effect.
The quantum Zeno effect was named by analogy with the arrow paradox conceived by the Greek philosopher Zeno: At any given instant of time, an arrow in flight is motionless; how then can it move? Similarly, if an atom could be continually measured to see if it is still in its initial state, it would always be found to be in that state.
量子ゼノ効果は、ギリシャ人哲学者ゼノ(ゼノン)によって考え出された飛ぶ矢のパラドックス (飛ぶ矢は飛ばない)にちなんで名付けられています。そのパラドックスは、時間のいかなる瞬間においても、飛んでいる矢は静止していて、そうだとしたら、その矢はどうやったら動けるのか?といったものです。同じように、もし、原子が、それがまだ初期状態にあるのかどうかを連続的に測定されたとしたら、原子が常にその状態にあることが判明します。
Both the Zeno and an the anti-Zeno effects are real and happen to real atoms. But how does this work? How can measurement either delay or accelerate the decay of the radioactive atom? What is “measurement,” anyway?
The physicist’s answer is that in order to obtain information about a quantum system, the system must be strongly coupled to the environment for a brief period of time. So the goal of measurement is to obtain information, but the strong coupling to the environment means that the act of measurement also necessarily disturbs the quantum system.
But what if the system was disturbed but no information was passed to the outside world? What would happen then? Would the atom still exhibit the Zeno and anti-Zeno effects?
Kater Murch’s group at Washington University in St. Louis has been exploring these questions with an artificial atom called a qubit. To test the role of measurement in the Zeno effects, they devised a new type of measurement interaction that disturbs the atom but learns nothing about its state, which they call a “quasimeasurement.”
They report in the June 14, 2017, issue of Physical Review Letters that quasimeasurements, like measurements, cause Zeno effects. Potentially the new understanding of the nature of measurement in quantum mechanics could led to new ways of controlling quantum systems.
彼等は、2017年6月14日号のPhysical Review Letters誌に、測定のように、準測定が、ゼノ効果を引き起こすことを発表しています。もしかすると、量子力学における、測定の本質に関する今回の新しい理解は、量子系を制御するための新しい方法につながる可能性があります。
The quantum Zeno effect was first proposed as a thought experiment by the British mathematician Alan Turing in 1958, although it wasn’t rigorously described until 1977 or observed in the laboratory until 1989.
The original explanation for the Zeno effect was that measurement of an atom in its excited state collapses it back onto its excited state, resetting the clock of its decay process. So if an atom is measured often enough, it will never decay to a lower energy state but instead remain ‘frozen’ in its excited state.
The opposite effect, in which frequent measurement accelerates decay, wasn’t formulated until 1997. But this anti-Zeno effect is actually much more common in nature. Frequent measurements of a radioactive atomic nucleus or excited molecule, for example, speed up the emission of radiation or light.
In the meantime, another explanation for the effect has emerged. “Atomic decay rates depend on the density of possible energy states, or electromagnetic modes, at a given energy,” Murch said.” In order for the atom to decay, it must emit a photon into one of these modes. More modes means more ways to decay, and therefore faster decay.”
Measurement disturbs the energy levels of the atom, and this disturbance shifts the energy levels in such a way that there are fewer electromagnetic modes at the appropriate energy, leading to the Zeno effect, or more modes at the appropriate energy, leading to the anti-Zeno effect.
“Measurement is all about acquiring information about a system, but measurement invariably involves disturbance,” Murch said. “So measurement means information gained and disturbance (back action).”
What does this mean for Schrödinger’s cat? “The Zeno effect says that if we check on the cat, we reset the atom’s decay clock, keeping the cat alive,” said Harrington. “Unfortunately for the cat, frequent checks might also accelerate the atom’s decay, killing the cat more quickly.” In other words, the cat is subject to the Zeno effects.
この事は、シュレディンガーの猫に対して何を意味しているのでしょうか?”ゼノ効果は、もし私たちが猫の様子をチェックした場合、私達が、原子の崩壊時計をリセットして、猫を生き続けさせると言っています。猫にとって不運なのは、度重なるチェックが、原子の崩壊を加速させる可能性もあります。” つまり、猫が、ゼノ効果の影響下にあることになります。
“The twist, however, is that because the Zeno effects have to do with disturbance and not information,” Harrington said, “it isn’t even necessary to look inside the box to provoke them. The same effects will occur if you just shake the box.”