





!mkdir pay && mkdir pay/tmp
!mkdir pay/tmp/capublicpay



# The title of the highest paid California city government position in 2010
# note, the code below makes it easy to extend "years" to include multiple years
import csv
import os.path
import requests
from shutil import unpack_archive
LOCAL_DATADIR = "pay/tmp/capublicpay"
YEARS = range(2009,2017) # i.e. just 2010
def foosalary(row):
    return float(row['Total Wages']) if row['Total Wages'] else 0

for year in YEARS:
    bfname = '%s_City' % year
    url = '' % bfname
    zname = os.path.join("pay/tmp", bfname + '.zip')
    cname = os.path.join(LOCAL_DATADIR, bfname + '.csv')

    if not os.path.exists(zname):
        print("Downloading", url, 'to', zname)
        data = requests.get(url).content
        with open(zname, 'wb') as f:
    # done downloading, now unzip files
    print("Unzipping", zname, 'to', LOCAL_DATADIR)
    unpack_archive(zname, LOCAL_DATADIR, format = 'zip')

    with open(cname, encoding = 'latin-1') as f:
        # first four lines are:
        # “Disclaimer
        # The information presented is posted as submitted by the reporting entity. The State Controller's Office is not responsible for the accuracy of this information.”
        data = list(csv.DictReader(f.readlines()))
        topitem = max(data, key = foosalary)
        print(topitem['Entity Name'], topitem['Department / Subdivision'],
            topitem['Position'], topitem['Total Wages'])
Downloading to pay/tmp/
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-57-d7dd7a0d6456> in <module>()
     31         # The information presented is posted as submitted by the reporting entity. The State Controller's Office is not responsible for the accuracy of this information.”
     32         data = list(csv.DictReader(f.readlines()))
---> 33         topitem = max(data, key = foosalary)
     34         print(topitem['Entity Name'], topitem['Department / Subdivision'],
     35             topitem['Position'], topitem['Total Wages'])

<ipython-input-57-d7dd7a0d6456> in foosalary(row)
      8 YEARS = range(2009,2017) # i.e. just 2010
      9 def foosalary(row):
---> 10     return float(row['Total Wages']) if row['Total Wages'] else 0
     12 for year in YEARS:

KeyError: 'Total Wages'

Total WagesというKey nameに問題があるらしい。

ls pay/tmp/capublicpay


a = !head -n 1 pay/tmp/capublicpay/2009_City.csv


import pandas as pd
a = pd.read_csv("pay/tmp/capublicpay/2009_City.csv", nrows=0)
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Year, EmployerType, EmployerName, DepartmentOrSubdivision, Position, ElectedOfficial, Judicial, OtherPositions, MinPositionSalary, MaxPositionSalary, ReportedBaseWage, RegularPay, OvertimePay, LumpSumPay, OtherPay, TotalWages, DefinedBenefitPlanContribution, EmployeesRetirementCostCovered, DeferredCompensationPlan, HealthDentalVision, TotalRetirementAndHealthContribution, PensionFormula, EmployerURL, EmployerPopulation, LastUpdatedDate, EmployerCounty, SpecialDistrictActivities, IncludesUnfundedLiability, SpecialDistrictType]
Index: []

[0 rows x 29 columns]

Key namesが変わってしまっているので、変わった名称を全て修正する。

# The title of the highest paid California city government position in 2010
# note, the code below makes it easy to extend "years" to include multiple years
import csv
import os.path
import requests
from shutil import unpack_archive
LOCAL_DATADIR = "pay/tmp/capublicpay"
YEARS = range(2009,2018) # i.e. just 2010
def foosalary(row):
    return float(row['TotalWages']) if row['TotalWages'] else 0

for year in YEARS:
    bfname = '%s_City' % year
    url = '' % bfname
    zname = os.path.join("pay/tmp", bfname + '.zip')
    cname = os.path.join(LOCAL_DATADIR, bfname + '.csv')

    if not os.path.exists(zname):
        print("Downloading", url, 'to', zname)
        data = requests.get(url).content
        with open(zname, 'wb') as f:
    # done downloading, now unzip files
    print("Unzipping", zname, 'to', LOCAL_DATADIR)
    unpack_archive(zname, LOCAL_DATADIR, format = 'zip')

    with open(cname, encoding = 'latin-1') as f:
        # first four lines are:
        # “Disclaimer
        # The information presented is posted as submitted by the reporting entity. The State Controller's Office is not responsible for the accuracy of this information.”
        data = list(csv.DictReader(f.readlines()))
        topitem = max(data, key = foosalary)
        print(topitem['EmployerCounty'], topitem['DepartmentOrSubdivision'],
            topitem['Position'], topitem['TotalWages'])
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
Los Angeles Administration Chief Administrative Officer 1171423
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
Los Angeles Administration Chief Administrative Officer 765237
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
Riverside City Manager City Manager 677172
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
Orange City Managers City Manager 545394
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
Los Angeles Police Police Officer III 500930
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
Los Angeles Police Department Police Sergeant 592652
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
Placer Fire Asst Fire Chief 509123.9
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
Solano Fire Firefighter/56.3 1957089
Downloading to pay/tmp/
Unzipping pay/tmp/ to pay/tmp/capublicpay
Los Angeles Harbor Chief Port Pilot II 585165

