



現在、米エネルギー省のブルックヘブン国立研究所の研究者が、変動的とは対照的に、静的電荷ストライプが、ランサナム(ランタン)とバリウムを特定量加えると、クプラートでの超電導と共存することを実証しています。Physical Review Letters(10月11号)に掲載された論文において記載された彼等の研究が、この静的に秩序化している電荷が、超電導と対抗するのではなく、むしろ協力的である可能性があることを示唆しています。もしこれが本当なら、静的電荷ストライプを形成するために周期的に一団になる電子が、超伝導に必要な自由運動電子から空間で分離する可能性があります。

”これらの化合物が、どう機能しているかの詳細な物理学を理解することは、我々が既存の説の正当性を立証、あるいは、除外するのを助け、超伝導温度の上げ方のレシピを教えてくれるはずです。”と論文共著者である、ブルックヘブン研究所の凝縮系物理・物質科学部門X線散乱グループのMark Deanは言った。”この温度を上げることは、ロスレス送電への超伝導の応用には欠かせません。”



Scientists find static ‘stripes’ of electrical charge in copper-oxide superconductor

To see whether the charge stripes were static or fluctuating in their compound, the scientists used a technique called x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. In this technique, a beam of coherent x-rays is fired at a sample, causing the x-ray photons, or light particles, to scatter off the sample’s electrons.


These photons fall onto a specialized, high-speed x-ray camera, where they generate electrical signals that are converted to a digital image of the scattering pattern. Based on how the light interacts with the electrons in the sample, the pattern contains grainy dark and bright spots called speckles. By studying this “speckle pattern” over time, scientists can tell if and how the charge stripes change.




In this study, the source of the x-rays was the Coherent Soft X-ray Scattering (CSX-1) beamline at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), a DOE Office of Science User Facility at Brookhaven.


“It would be very difficult to do this experiment anywhere else in the world,” said co-author Stuart Wilkins, manager of the soft x-ray scattering and spectroscopy program at NSLS-II and lead scientist for the CSX-1 beamline. “Only a small fraction of the total electrons in the cuprate participate in the charge stripe order, so the intensity of the scattered x-rays from this cuprate is extremely small.

「”世界のどこでこの実験を行ったとしても非常に困難だったはずです。”とStuart Wilkinsは言った。”クプラート中のほんの僅かの電子だけが、電荷ストライプ秩序に参加しているので、このカプレートから散乱したX線の強度は、非常に小さいです。”」


As a result, we need a very intense, highly coherent x-ray beam to see the speckles. NSLS-II’s unprecedented brightness and coherent photon flux allowed us to achieve this beam. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to discern the very subtle electronic order of the charge stripes.”



The team’s speckle pattern was consistent throughout a nearly three-hour measurement period, suggesting that the compound has a highly static charge stripe order. Previous studies had only been able to confirm this static order up to a timescale of microseconds, so scientists were unsure if any fluctuations would emerge beyond that point.



X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy is one of the few techniques that scientists can use to test for these fluctuations on very long timescales. The team of Brookhaven scientists—representing a close collaboration between one of Brookhaven’s core departments and one of its user facilities—is the first to apply the technique to study the charge ordering in this particular cuprate. “Combining our expertise in high-temperature superconductivity and x-ray scattering with the capabilities at NSLS-II is a great way to approach these kind of studies,”


To make accurate measurements over such a long time, the team had to ensure the experimental setup was incredibly stable. “Maintaining the same x-ray intensity and sample position with respect to the x-ray beam are crucial, but these parameters become more difficult to control as time goes on and eventually impossible,” said Dean. “When the temperature of the building changes or there are vibrations from cars or other experiments, things can move. NSLS-II has been carefully engineered to counteract these factors, but not indefinitely.”



“The x-ray beam at CSX-1 is stable within a very small fraction of the 10-micron beam size over our almost three-hour practical limit,” added Xiaoqian Chen, co-first author and a postdoc in the X-Ray Scattering Group at Brookhaven. CSX-1’s performance exceeds that of any other soft x-ray beamline currently operational in the United States.

「”CSX-1のX線ビームは、ほぼ3時間の実用限界の間、10マイクロビームサイズのごく僅かな部分の範囲内で安定的です。”と第一共著者のXiaoqian Chenは加えた。CSX-1の性能は全米で現在利用可能な、他のどの軟X線ビームラインの性能をはるかに超えています。」




In part of the experiment, the scientists heated up the compound to test whether thermal energy might cause the charge stripes to fluctuate. They observed no fluctuations, even up to the temperature at which the compound is known to stop behaving as a superconductor.



“We were surprised that the charge stripes were so remarkably static over such long timescales and temperature ranges,” said co-first author and postdoc Vivek Thampy of the X-Ray Scattering Group. “We thought we may see some fluctuations near the transition temperature where the charge stripe order disappears, but we didn’t.”

「”我々は電荷ストライプが、そのような長い時間軸と温度範囲に渡って、有り得ないぐらい静的なことに驚かされました。”と筆頭共著者とポスドクのVivek Thampyが言いました。”我々は電荷ストライプ秩序が消える遷移温度の傍でいくらかの揺らぎを見るかもしれないと考えていたのですが、見ませんでした。”


In a final check, the team theoretically calculated the speckle patterns, which were consistent with their experimental data.

Going forward, the team plans to use this technique to probe the nature of charges in cuprates with different chemical compositions.




