





Metal in chains

The first solid might, for instance, conduct an electric current, the second one might turn out to be an insulator, and the third one could be a semiconductor – that is, a material whose electric conductivity increases with increasing temperature (rather than diminishing, which is the case for metals) and that is the basis for transistors and computer chips.


which is the case for ~は、as is the case for ~とほぼ同じですが、As is the case forは文頭に持ってくることができても、which is the caseは文頭に持ってくることはできません。この辺のことは以前にも書いています




Two quantities determine, by and large, if and how a solid conducts electric current: its band structure and its Fermi level. The band structure refers to the possible energy states the electrons inside it can occupy. Whereas a free electron accumulates kinetic energy as it moves faster and faster, electrons embedded in a crystal lattice can only take on energy values that lie inside certain intervals or “bands”.


This follows from their quantum mechanical wave nature, which is also responsible for the fact that some values of the motional energy are off limits for electrons; those are also called band gaps. The Fermi level, on the other hand, derives from the fermionic nature of electrons, which means that two of them can never occupy the same energy state. If one were to build up a solid one particle at a time, each newly added electron would try to occupy higher and higher energy levels, starting from zero energy. The energy of the last electron would then be the Fermi level.





Whether a material is a metal or an insulator can now be easily predicted if its energy bands and its Fermi level are known. If the Fermi level lies inside a band, the most energetic electrons can move easily and hence conduct electric current. If, on the other hand, the Fermi level coincides with a band gap, one has an insulator. By the same token, other materials may be metals by that definition, but with very few possible at the Fermi level. “The material we predict is, if you will, a cousin of such so-called semimetals”,


most energetic electrons = 最もエネルギー状態が高い電子、最外殻電子のことで、原子核との結合が一番弱いので、外部からの干渉で簡単に原子から離脱してしまいます。離脱した最外殻電子は自由電子となって電気伝導を可能にします。

energy band = エネルギーバンド、電子が存在可能なエネルギー領域のこと。価電子帯(価電子によって満たされるバンド)から伝導帯の間にバンドギャップ(禁制帯)が存在し、フェルミ準位が禁制帯内にあった場合、価電子帯が満杯なため、電子は自由に動けず伝導帯へも移動できずに絶縁体になります。価電子帯や伝導帯等のバンド内にフェルミ準位があれば金属で、半導体は絶縁体と同様に禁制帯にフェルミ準位が存在していますが、バンドギャップが小さいので簡単に電子が伝導帯へ移動可能なんだそうです。





One semimetal that has made the headlines is graphene. The particular way in which the energy bands of graphene’s electrons approach each other at so-called Dirac points is responsible for the electrical and thermal conductivities of this peculiar material, whose discoverers were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. Since the band gap actually vanishes at the Dirac points, they are also called nodes (in analogy with the nodes of a standing wave).





In other semimetals the energy bands touch not at isolated points but along well-defined lines or surfaces. “The peculiarity of our new material is that its energy bands touch along interconnected nodal loops, and those nodal loops form a chain”, says Soluyanov. “That may sound strange and rather theoretical, but we have actually found a real material that is likely to have those properties. That such nodal chains should appear is not an accident, but dictated by the symmetries of the material’s crystal lattice.”


nodal loopはノーダルループでいいと思いますが、一応節輪と訳しておきました。nodal chainもノーダルチェーンかノーダルチェインでいいと思いますが一応節鎖と訳しておきました。ググるとノーダルループもノーダルチェーンも全く引っかからないので、そうするのが無難とも言えます。節輪と節鎖については結構引っ掛かります。

Incidentally, physicists are able to draw an interesting analogy between solid state and high energy particle physics. In high- theories nodal chains would be impossible due to the high level of symmetry of the vacuum. In a crystal, by contrast, there are far fewer symmetries, creating a kind of novel vacuum.



To find the nodal chain material the researchers took a long and winding road. Assuming it would be easier, they first set out to look for materials with a single nodal loop and determined what kind of symmetry properties the of such a material should have. All in all, 230 different types of crystal symmetries are known, and it is those symmetries that are largely responsible for the properties of a material’s band structure.


The Long And Winding Road(ザ・ロング・アンド・ワインディング・ロード)はビートルズの歌の名前ですが、直訳すれば長い曲がりくねった道ですが、ここでは紆余曲折の経験と意訳しておきました。took a long and winding road = 長い曲がりくねった道を通ったで、この場合、紆余曲折の経験をしたでいいのではないかと。



Soluyanov and his colleagues then scoured massive online databases (ICSD – Inorganic Crystal Structure Database) in which thousands of known solids are listed alongside their crystal structures. Eventually, they chanced upon one that had not only a nodal loop, but the more intricate nodal chain: iridium tetrafluoride. “It was an unexpected surprise”



This little known and, so far, not particularly useful solid could be the prototype for a new kind of material with potentially technologically interesting properties. For instance, the physicists in Zurich predict that the electric conductivity of such solids should be influenced by magnetic fields in a characteristic way. This phenomenon is also known as magneto-resistance and plays an important role in modern data storage technologies.




Furthermore, the of iridium tetrafluoride has certain peculiarities that have been connected with higher-temperature superconductivity. “All of that’s a long shot, of course”, Sigrist concedes. Experimental tests of the novel nodal chain metals have still to be done, and surprises are quite possible.

「さらに、四フッ化イリジウムのバンド構造は、高温超伝導と関連付けられている、いくつかの特性を有しています。”全てはロングショットです。もちろん”, Sigristは認めています。新しい種類の節鎖金属の実験検証はこれから先も行われる必要があり、サプライズの可能性はかなり高いと言えます。」

