Unhealthy diets linked to more than 400,000 cardiovascular deaths
”ナッツ、野菜、全粒粉、フルーツのような健康食品の低摂取と、塩分、トランス脂肪のような不健康食品の高摂取の組み合わせが、アメリカ国内で心血管病による多くの犠牲者を出している主な原因になっています。”と、筆頭研究著者のAshkan Afshin博士は言いました。”我々の研究結果が、米国内の約半数の心血管病犠牲者が、食事改善で救える事を示唆しています。”
The new analysis was designed to pinpoint how diet impacts heart and blood vessel disease; it relied on 1990-2012 data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, food availability data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as well as other sources.
Looking at U.S. cardiovascular deaths in 2015, researchers found less-than-ideal dietary choices – both a lack of healthier foods and an excess of less healthy foods – played a role in the deaths of an estimated 222,100 men and 193,400 women. Researchers also evaluated the degree to which leading dietary risk factor were linked to cardiovascular disease deaths:
- 木の実と種子の低摂取 (11.6 percent)
- 野菜の低摂取 (11.5 percent)
- 全粒粉の低摂取 (10.4 percent)
- 塩分過剰摂取 (9 percent).
The team’s systematic approach in quantifying how diet can contribute heart disease deaths, and in defining the healthiest diet to prevent it, are the research’s key strengths, Afshin said.
The American Heart Association emphasizes the importance of eating a healthy dietary pattern that is rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry and limited in fatty or processed red meat. The association also suggests limiting sugary soft drinks, salt (sodium), saturated and trans fats.