

この記事”Harmful compounds might be formed when foods containing the sweetener sucralose are heated“によると、人工甘味料のスクラロースを高温で加熱すると発がん可能性のある物質が産生されるようだ。つまり、スクラロース入りの焼き菓子や高熱を加えた加工食品等は、敢えて食べない方が身のためということだ。

The available data show that harmful compounds, some with carcinogenic potential, might occur when Sucralose and especially Sucralose-containing foods such as canned vegetables or baked goods are heated. When Sucralose (E 955) is heated to temperatures higher than 120 °C a gradual – and with further increasing temperature continuous – decomposition and dechlorination of the sweetener occurs. Temperatures of between 120 °C and 150 °C are possible during industrial manufacturing and processing of foods and are also reached in private households during cooking and baking of foods containing Sucralose. This may lead to the formation of chlorinated organic compounds with a health-damaging potential, such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), dibenzofurans (PCDF) and chloropropanols.


