One Breath Into This Breathalyzer Can Diagnose 17 Diseases
Credit: Nakhleh, M.K. et al. ACS Nano (2016)A single breath into a newfangled breathalyzer is all doctors need to diagnose 17 different diseases, including lung cancer, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple sclerosis, a new study found.
The breathalyzer analyzes microscopic compounds — called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) — to detect each condition. Testing for VOCs isn’t a new approach; in 400 B.C., physicians learned that smelling a patient’s bodily emissions could help with diagnoses. For instance, doctors used to smell the stools and urine of infant noblemen daily, the researchers said.
「そのブレサライザーは、各々の症状を検出するために、揮発性有機化合物と呼ばれる微視的化合物を分析しています。VOC を検証することは、新しいやり方ではなく、紀元前400年に、医者は、患者の体臭が診断の助けになることを知っていました。例えば、医者は、幼い貴族の糞尿のにおいを毎日嗅いでいたと、研究者達は言いました。」
But while excrement and other bodily substances, such as blood, contain VOCs, examining exhaled breath is the cheapest, easiest and least invasive way to test for the compounds, the researchers said.
「便や血液などの他の体物質は VOC を含んではいますが、呼気検査は、その化合物を検査するための最も安価、最も簡単、最も非侵襲的な方法です、と研究者は語る。」
To investigate using breath for diagnosis, the researchers developed a breathalyzer that had two nanolayers, one with carbon and the other without. The carbon-free layer contained modified gold nanoparticles and a network of nanotubes, both of which provide electrical conductivity, the researchers said.
Meanwhile, the carbon layer worked as a sensing layer to hold the exhaled VOCs, the scientists said. When a person breathed into the breathalyzer, that individual’s VOCs interacted with the organic sensing layer, which in turn changed the electrical resistance of the inorganic sensors. By measuring this resistance, the researchers could determine which VOCs were present, the scientists said.
「一方、カーボンレイヤーは、吐き出されたVOCを保持するための検知層として機能しています、と科学者達は言いました。人がブレサライザーに息を吐き出すと、その個人のVOC は有機検知層と相互に作用し、次に無機センサーの電気抵抗を変えます。この抵抗を測定する事で、研究者がどのVOCが存在するかを判定できると科学者は言った。」
There are hundreds of known VOCs in exhaled breath, but the researchers needed only 13 to distinguish among the 17 different diseases. For instance, the VOC nonanal is linked to several disorders, including ovarian cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and breast cancer, whereas the VOC isoprene is associated with chronic liver disease, kidney disease and diabetes, the researchers said.
The new breathalyzer isn’t ready for the market yet — further testing and better accuracy are needed first — but the study is an encouraging development, the researchers said.
If it’s made available to doctors, the device could be an “affordable, easy-to-use, inexpensive and miniaturized [tool] for personalized screening, diagnosis and follow-up,” the researchers wrote in the study, which was published online Dec. 21 in the journal ACS Nano.
「もし、それが医師に利用できるようになれば、そのデバイスは、個別検査・診断・追跡治療用の、良心的価格で簡単に使えて安価で小型なツールになるかもしれないと、研究者は、journal ACS Nanoに12月21日オンライン掲載された研究論文に書きました。」