

亜鉛は、多くの細胞プロセス、例えば、学習や記憶プロセスに関与していたり、未知の役割を果たしている極めて重要な微量栄養素です。ナノ電気化学的測定を使い、スゥエーデン研究者達は、亜鉛がメッセンジャー分子の放出に影響を与えている事を明らかにすることで、理解を深めています。Angewandte Chemie誌に公表されているように、亜鉛は、小胞に貯蔵されているメッセンジャー分子数と細胞からの放出動力学を変化させています。



Zinc regulates the storage and release of neurotransmitters

When signals are transmitted by synapses, messenger molecules (neurotransmitters) are released from storage chambers (synaptic vesicles) into the synaptic cleft, where they are “recognized” by neighboring nerve cells. This release is based on exocytosis: The vesicle docks at the cell membrane, opens at the point of contact, releases part of its contents to the outside, closes, and separates from the plasma membrane so it can be refilled.

シグナル (信号) がシナプスによって伝達される時、メッセンジャー分子(神経伝達物質)は、貯蔵室 (シナプス小胞) から、隣接する神経細胞によってそれらが認識される、シナプス間隙へと放出されます。この放出はエクソサイトーシスに基いて、それは、小胞が細胞膜にドッキングして、接点を開き、そこから外部に向けて、その中身の一部を放出、開口部を閉じて、それが補充されるように細胞膜から切り離されます。



A team led by Andrew G. Ewing at Gothenburg University, Sweden, used carbon fiber electrodes with nanotips to study the influence of zinc on these processes. They carried out measurements on PC12 cells that release the neurotransmitter dopamine when stimulated by a high potassium concentration, analogous to nerve cells. “By applying an electrode tip to the surface of the cell, we can follow the opening of an individual vesicle and compute the number of molecules released,” says Ewing. In contrast, if the tip of the electrode is inserted into the cell, the vesicles in the cytoplasm stick to the electrode and release their full contents. Says Ewing: “The current transients allow us to determine how many transmitter molecules are contained in individual vesicles directly in the cytoplasm of the living cells.”





In order to investigate this phenomenon more closely, the cells were stripped down layer by layer from the outside in and were analyzed by mass spectrometry. The researchers found one zinc species near the cell membrane and a second in the interior of the cell. “The former is capable of binding to protein kinase C, an enzyme that binds to the membrane to regulate the speed of exocytosis. The zinc species inside the cell could slow down the transport protein that loads the dopamine into the vesicles,” suggests Ewing. “Our results finally provide a connection between zinc and the regulation of neurotransmitter release. This could be important for the formation and storage of memories.”


