新しい研究の中で、テキサス大学ダラス校の研究者達は、ある種のがんが、他の癌よりも甘いもの好きであることを見い出しています。”多くの癌細胞が、エネルギー供給源として、糖質に大きく頼っていることは疑われてはいましたが、1つの特定種、扁平上皮癌が、驚くべきほど糖質依存であることが判明しています。”と、生物化学助教授で、Nature Communicationsオンライン誌に掲載された本研究の上席著者Dr. Jung-whan “Jay” Kim博士は言いました。
Study sweetens connection between cancer and sugar
Kim and his collaborators initially set out to investigate differences in metabolism between two major subtypes of non-small cell lung cancer — adenocarcinoma (ADC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SqCC). About one quarter of all lung cancers are SqCC, which has been difficult to treat with targeted therapies, Kim said.
Based on that data, they found that a protein responsible for transporting glucose — a kind of sugar — into cells was present in significantly higher levels in lung SqCC than in lung ADC. The protein, called glucose transporter 1, or GLUT1, takes up glucose into cells, where the sugar provides a fundamental energy source and fuels cell metabolism. GLUT1 is also necessary for normal cell function, such as building cell membranes.
“As a culture, we are very addicted to sugar,” Kim said. “Excessive sugar consumption is not only a problem that can lead to complications like diabetes, but also, based on our studies and others, the evidence is mounting that some cancers are also highly dependent on sugar. We’d like to know from a scientific standpoint whether we might be able to affect cancer progression with dietary changes.”