





Mass. General study finds potential mechanism for BCG vaccine reversal of type 1 diabetes

Interim results from a FDA-approved clinical trial testing the generic vaccine bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) to reverse advanced type 1 diabetes are being presented at the 75th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. The data demonstrate a potential new mechanism by which the BCG vaccine may restore the proper immune response to the insulin-secreting islet cells of the pancreas. Presented by Denise Faustman, MD, PhD, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Immunobiology Laboratory and principal investigator of the trial, the findings suggest that BCG may induce a permanent increase in expression of genes that restore the beneficial regulatory T cells (Tregs) that prevent the immune system from attacking the body’s own tissue. The results are being presented at 10:30 am Pacific time on Saturday, June 10.




”多くの研究グループが、自己免疫を回復させる目的で、BCGワクチン接種の効果を調査しています。”と、ハーバード大学医学大学院准教授ファウストマン博士は言います。”我々や他の研究グループによる国際努力が、有益制御性T細胞が、1型糖尿病や他の自己免疫疾患の異常な筋子反応性に歯止めをかけられるかもしれない事は、以前から知ってはいましたが、この免疫平衡を回復するための治療法に関しては、長期持続可能な結果は得られていません。 BCGが、遺伝子を発現するかどうかを調整するプロセスである、エピジェネティクスを介して制御性T細胞を復活させるという今回の発見は、かなりエキサイティングで、この事が、BCGが、制御性T細胞誘導を調整したり、自己免疫疾患の根本的原因に歯止めをかけるために、免疫機構をリセットすることで、機能しているように見える仕組みのさらなる理解を提供しています。



Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease characterized by the destruction of islets by autoreactive T cells, which mistakenly attack islets as if they were an infection. Tregs are the immune system’s “brakes” that normally prevent misdirected attacks against tissues without dampening the entire system. Several research groups have suggested methods for introducing or expanding Tregs in patients with type 1 diabetes, but to date no therapies have been approved.




Best known for its role in tuberculosis prevention, the BCG vaccine is based on a harmless strain of bacteria related the one that causes tuberculosis. A generic drug with over 100 years of clinical use and safety data, BCG is currently approved by the FDA for vaccination against tuberculosis and for the treatment of bladder cancer. Multiple international studies are currently investigating the potential of repeat BCG vaccinations to prevent and reverse autoimmune diseases including type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.


“BCG is interesting because it brings into play so many areas of immunology that we as a community have been looking at for decades, including Tregs and the hygiene hypothesis,” says Faustman. “Repeat BCG vaccination appears to permanently turn on signature Treg genes, and the vaccine’s beneficial effect on host immune response recapitulates decades of human co-evolution with myocbacteria, a relationship that has been lost with modern eating and living habits. It is incredible that a safe and inexpensive vaccine may be the key to stopping these terrible diseases.”



