コペンハーゲン大学、コロラド大学、タフツ大学、CIBEROBN、Gelesisの研究者達が、血糖値 (血糖グルコース値)及び/もしくは、空腹時インスリン値が、個人の適切なダイエットを選択する目的で、特に前糖尿病と糖尿病を患う人々に対して、使われるべきであることを実証している新たなデータを提示しています。多種多様な栄養指針を利用している、6つの主要な介入治療食研究を詳細に評価することで、こうした生体指標が、体重減少・体重維持成功の予測因子になり得ることが、繰り返し証明されています。
Fasting plasma glucose and insulin are determinants of dietary weight loss success
“Remarkably, for many patients, use of these biomarkers can lead to a six- to seven-fold greater weight loss,” commented Arne Astrup, Professor, Head of the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. “Going forward, we can educate patients when a diet they planned to follow would actually make them gain weight, and redirect them to a strategy that we know will work for them.”
The studies demonstrate that, for successful weight loss, fasting blood sugar and fasting insulin should be used to select an approach that is proven to work based on those biomarkers. For most people with prediabetes, a fiber-rich diet without calorie restriction will be very effective and has been shown to improve diabetes markers. In this population, carbohydrates or fats should be adjusted based on fasting insulin levels.
For people with type 2 diabetes, a diet rich in healthy, plant-based fats (such as from olive oil, nuts and avocados) will be effective to achieve weight loss. The researchers acknowledge that no one solution will work for every patient, but for many in the US and EU these strategies are likely to be more effective than a generic, ‘one size fits all’ approach.