食塩の大量摂取が、心臓病リスク倍増に関連していることが、ESC Congress 2017(欧州心臓病学会2017)でプレゼンされた、4000人以上の人々を対象にした12年間にわたる研究が明かしています。
High salt intake associated with doubled risk of heart failure
“High salt (sodium chloride) intake is one of the major causes of high blood pressure and an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke,” said Prof Pekka Jousilahti, research professor at the National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland. “In addition to CHD and stroke, heart failure is one of the major cardiovascular diseases in Europe and globally but the role of high salt intake in its development is unknown.”
”食塩(塩化ナトリウム)の摂り過ぎは、高血圧の主原因の1つで、冠状動脈性心疾患(CHD)と脳梗塞の独立危険因子でもあります。”と、フィンランド国立健康福祉研究所の研究教授Pekka Jousilahti教授は言いました。”CHDと脳梗塞に加え、心不全は、欧州と世界全体で、主要心疾患の1つになっていますが、心不全発症における、食塩大量摂取の役割については不明です。”
Prof Jousilahti said: “The heart does not like salt. High salt intake markedly increases the risk of heart failure. This salt-related increase in heart failure risk was independent of blood pressure.”
“People who consumed more than 13.7 grams of salt daily had a two times higher risk of heart failure compared to those consuming less than 6.8 grams,” he continued. “The optimal daily salt intake is probably even lower than 6.8 grams. The World Health Organization recommends a maximum of 5 grams per day and the physiological need is 2 to 3 grams per day.”