





Inflammation may precede sleep apnea, could be treatment target

Sleep apnea, a disorder in which the upper airway becomes periodically obstructed during sleep, affects between 17 and 24 percent of men and between 5 and 9 percent of women. One possible explanation for this difference is that men tend to have more belly fat, a major risk factor for developing sleep apnea that is also associated with higher levels of inflammation.


The severity of sleep apnea also correlates with high levels of inflammation, an immune response in which white blood cells produce chemicals to fight a foreign substance. Jordan Gaines, adjunct assistant professor of psychiatry in the Penn State College of Medicine, said that she and the other researchers were interested in learning more about which comes first: the inflammation or the apnea.


“Traditionally, inflammation has been largely considered a consequence of reductions in blood oxygen levels during breathing pauses in the middle of the night,” Gaines said. “While this is certainly true, several treatment studies have also shown that reducing inflammation — for example, by using an anti-inflammatory medication — also reduces apnea severity, suggesting that this relationship may go the other way around.”




After analyzing the data, the researchers found that in boys, increases in waist circumference were positively correlated with increases in CRP. Additionally, increases in CRP predicted sleep apnea in adolescence.

データ解析後、研究者達は、少年において、胴囲の増加と、CRP(C-reactive protein、C反応性タンパク質)の上昇との間に正の相関が認められることを発見しました。さらに、CRP増加が、青年期の睡眠時無呼吸を予測しています。

“When taken together, our findings suggest that inflammation originating from abdominal fat precedes the development of sleep apnea, rather than simply occurring as a result of the disorder,” Gaines said. “Other research has shown that weight loss can help reduce the severity of sleep apnea. Our study corroborates these findings by showing that, even as early as adolescence, metabolic factors are driving the development of sleep apnea, just as we see in adults.”




“CPAP machines work, especially in people with severe apnea, but what about those with mild forms of apnea who do not feel the benefit and are resistant to using it?” Vgontzas said. “If the findings of this study can be replicated, maybe we can start looking at biological-based interventions instead of mechanical ones, like CPAP.”

”CPAP(continuous positive airway pressure、持続的気道陽圧法)マシンは、特に、重度の睡眠時無呼吸患者に対して効果を発揮しますが、そのマシンの効果を感じなかったり、それを使うことに抵抗を感じる軽度の睡眠時無呼吸患者はどうなるのでしょうか?もし、今回の研究の結果が、再現されれた場合、恐らく、我々は、CPAPのような機械的介入療法の代わりに、生物学的な介入療法を検討し始めてもいいかもしれません。”



“For example, we can take a 30-year-old man who is having problems with snoring and/or mild to moderate sleep apnea. Checking his levels of inflammation — CRP — may help us predict whether he is at risk for developing severe apnea or other cardiometabolic problems such as hypertension or diabetes in the future,” Vgontzas said. “This person with high CRP levels should be monitored closely to prevent the development of these conditions.”




