4月に発表された、ポリ袋を食べる毛虫の研究が、世界中のメディアでセンセーションを巻き起こしたのは記憶に新しいですが、サンタンデールにある大学のフェデリカ・ベルトッキーニ氏と共著者たちは、wax moth Galleria mellonella(ハチノスツヅリガ)が、ポリエチレンを消化(分解)できることを報告しています。このポリマーは、主に、プラスチック包装材やポリ袋を製造するのに利用されています。ドイツにあるヨハネス・グーテンベルク大学マインツ(マインツ大学)有機化学教授ティル・オパッツ氏の同僚達は、今回、ベルトッキーニ氏等によって公開されたデータと実験手順を念入りにチェックし、反駁を公表しています。彼等の報告によると、ポリエチレンの生体内分解に対する十分な証拠が、最初の発表において欠けているとのことです。
German scientists question study about plastic-eating caterpillars
It all started when the Spanish authors had accidentally observed above named caterpillars biting holes in shopping bags. The researchers now investigated whether it is actually a matter of a biochemical digestion by enzymes and/or bacteria in the caterpillars’ digestive tract or simply a mechanical milling. In the latter case, the plastic would be excreted chemically unchanged. The group developed an experimental procedure, in which the influence of caterpillar homogenate on a polyethylene surface was examined. The homogenate is a mass of deep frozen and squashed caterpillars, rich in proteins and lipids and with intact enzymes from the digestive system. They chose spectroscopic and microscopic evaluation methods for their analyses.
Bertocchini et al. report a decomposition of polyethylene into ethylene glycol, a potential oxidative metabolite, after the treatment of polyethylene bags with caterpillar homogenate. However, particularly the interpretation of the results obtained by infrared spectroscopy are questionable and doubts arouse about the actual detection of ethylene glycol. The group of Opatz now demonstrated in simple control experiments which had not been carried out by the Spanish scientists that essential signals of ethylene glycol are missing in the previously published spectra. On the other hand, the reported signals of the assumed biochemical degradation products are identical to signals caused by an animal protein-fat mixture, as they would arise from caterpillar residues on the surface. To test this hypothesis, Opatz et al. treated a polyethylene surface with egg yolk and ground pork which produced highly similar spectral signatures.