ホスファチジン酸ホスファターゼとして知られる酵素が、人体の脂肪の量を調整するのに非常に重要な役割を担っているのは有名な話です。従って、それをコントロールすることは、肥満対策の関心事になっています。しかし、ラトガース大学ニューブランズウィック校の研究者達は、今回、完全にその酵素を除去することが、がんや炎症、他の疾患リスクを高めてしまう可能性があることを見つけ出しています。彼等の発見は、Journal of Biological Chemistryに先月オンライン掲載されました。
A fat-regulating enzyme could hold the key to obesity, diabetes, cancer, other diseases
“The goal of our lab is to understand how we can tweak and control this enzyme,” said George M. Carman, Board of Governors professor in the Department of Food Science in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. “For years, we have been trying to find out how to fine-tune the enzyme’s activity so it’s not too active, and creating too much fat, but it’s active enough to keep the body healthy.”
The enzyme was discovered in 1957 and Gil-Soo Han, research assistant professor in the Rutgers Center for Lipid Research, discovered the gene encoding the enzyme in 2006. The enzyme determines whether the body’s phosphatidic acid will be used to create fat, or create the lipids in cell membranes.
“We have found that maybe a more critical role for the enzyme is to make sure that cells are not making too much membrane lipid,” Carman said. “If you make too much membrane lipid, you make too much membrane and the cells are permitted to grow uncontrollably, a condition characteristic of cancer.”
Since the discovery of the gene encoding the enzyme, people worldwide have studied the enzyme because of its relation to obesity, lipodystrophy, inflammation, diabetes and other conditions, Carman said.
“The key take-home message is that things have to be balanced,” he said. “To keep the balance between making storage fat and membrane lipid, you have to have balanced diet.”