


You are probably not prone to chowing down on poop, but some of our best friends beg to differ. While all dogs are not into the fresh stuff, some are decidedly inclined (heck, drawn) to gobble it up.


chow down = むしゃむしゃ食う、がっつく

gobble it up = ガツガツ食う、食べ尽くす

If you are still reading despite topic and tone, maybe it’s personal. If one of your canine friends eats poop, you may wonder, “Why, dog? Why are you into this? And is it normal? And, well, could you maybe do it less?”


Here’s what we know: dogs eat poop. They’ll eat their own and that of other dogs. Other species’ goods are also fair game—dinner time in the cat litter box anyone? How about an on-farm horse-candy snack? The scientific term for this phenomenon is called coprophagy, which is defined as “the eating of feces that is normal behavior among many animals” which sure sounds like what’s going on with dogs. After all, early in life, mother dogs (dams) will “clean up” puppy’s #2.


But here’s the thing: eaters weren’t vastly different from non-eaters.


Coprophagy wasn’t associated with dog age, sex, neuter status, age of separation from the mother, ease of house training, or numerous owner-described problem behaviors.


Eaters and non-eaters also didn’t differ in diet, which is notable as diet can be linked to coprophagy. It’s also possible survey questions alone wouldn’t pick up the nuances needed to explore a relationship between diet and coprophagy.


But there might be a few indicators. A few differences between eaters and non-eaters emerged. Eaters were more likely to be found in multi-dog households, possibly because there’s more to go around or maybe poop eating has a social, even learned, component. In the book The Dog: Its Behavior, Nutrition, & Health, Linda Case wonders whether, as social beings, a dog might notice another dog getting intimate with feces, be drawn to investigate, and behave similarly. For some dogs, boredom could play a role in the development or maintenance of the behavior. And given the zest with which some gobble it down, you have to wonder whether poop-eating taps into other senses, like odor and taste.


Coprophagic dogs were also more likely to be described as “greedy eaters” who “wolf down food” as opposed to “normal” or “finicky” eaters. And 85% were keen on the fresh stuff, preferring stool not more than two days old.


食糞は後天的要素を有する可能性がある一方で、adaptive behavior inherited from their wild ancestor (野生原種から継承された適応行動)である可能性も示唆されています。

Scoop the poop. Making it unavailable—for your dog and other dogs—is really the surest way to decrease the behavior because the poop becomes a ghost. It does not exist. But where there is a will, there is a way, and dog owners who pick up all or most stools claimed it still didn’t stop poop eating entirely.



参照サイトOkay, So Some Dogs Eat Poop
