

簡単なふくらはぎの筋肉のストレッチが、歩行時の足の痛みを緩和して、末梢動脈障害を抱えている人々の血流を増加させてくれるかもしれないことが、American Heart Association(米国心臓協会)主催の学術会議 (American Heart Association’s Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Peripheral Vascular Disease 2017)で発表されたpreliminary abstract (仮要約)が示唆しています。



Stretching may reduce walking pain among peripheral artery disease patients

“This is a very safe, easy intervention that can be done at home and has the potential to really improve your tolerance for walking and get you into a walking program,” said Judy M. Muller-Delp, Ph.D., senior study author and professor of biomedical sciences at the Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee.


Peripheral artery disease (PAD) affects more than 8.5 million American adults and many are unaware they have it. The most common symptom in the lower extremities is a painful muscle cramping in the hips, thighs or calves when walking, climbing stairs or exercising. The pain of PAD often goes away when you stop exercising, although this may take a few minutes.




If there’s a blood-flow blockage due to plaque buildup, the muscles won’t get enough blood during exercise to meet the needs. The “crampy” pain (called intermittent claudication), when caused by PAD, is the muscles’ way of warning the body that it isn’t receiving enough blood during exercise to meet the increased demand.





  • improved the ability of their calf arteries to relax and expand to let blood flow through after being momentarily held back with a blood pressure cuff (a test called flow-mediated dilation), from an average of 3.7 percent to 5.2 percent – moving them into the normal range for healthy elderly people;
  • extended how far they could walk in six minutes – about half a city block farther but still well below normal for people the same age; and
  • prolonged the distance they could walk before needing to stop and rest due to leg discomfort.
  • 血液測定用カフ(血流依存性血管拡張反応と呼ばれる検査)によって、一時的に妨害された後で、血液を通過させるために、彼らの腓腹動脈(ふくらはぎの動脈)を、リラックス・拡張させる能力は、3.7%から5.2%へ向上し、それらを、健康的な高齢者に対する正常範囲へ戻しています。
  • 彼らが6分間に歩ける距離を延ばしています(約半街区距離延びていますが、それでもなお、同年齢の正常な人々をはるかに下回る距離です)。
  • 彼らが、足の不快症状のせいで休息が必要になるまでの距離を延ばしています。




“A physical therapist can instruct you how to adjust and wear the splints correctly so you can do the stretches at home. There is no doubt about the benefit of exercise training on blood vessel health in PAD patients. If you have limited walking ability, I recommend that you at least perform muscle stretches so you can gain enough comfort and confidence in walking to participate in a walking exercise program,” said Kazuki Hotta, Ph.D., lead author of the study and a postdoctoral fellow in engineering science at the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo.


According to the American Heart Association’s 2017 Statistical Update, about 10 percent of people with PAD have the classic crampy pain symptom of intermittent claudication. Approximately 40 percent do not complain of leg pain, whereas the remaining 50 percent have a variety of different leg symptoms.


