本物の量子コンピュータを作り出すための、ますます熾烈化する国際競争の中で、多くの関連プロジェクトが、システムの周囲環境によって、容易に影響を受けない事を意味する、非常に安定性の高いキュービット (量子ビット)を作り出す方法を、あれこれ模索しています。このことには、通常、極低温で機能可能な非線形性が高い、非散逸性の構成要素を必要とします。
Using graphene to create quantum bits
In pursuit of this goal, researchers at EPFL’s Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements LPQM (STI/SB), have investigated a nonlinear graphene-based quantum capacitor, compatible with cryogenic conditions of superconducting circuits, and based on two-dimensional (2D) materials. When connected to a circuit, this capacitor has the potential to produce stable qubits and also offers other advantages, such as being relatively easier to fabricate than many other known nonlinear cryogenic devices, and being much less sensitive to electromagnetic interference. This research was published in 2D Materials and Applications.
この目標達成のために、EPFL(スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校)のフォトニクス・量子測定研究所の研究者達は、極低温状態の超電導回路と互換性がある、2次元材料を基にした非線形グラフェン系量子キャパシタを調査しています。回路に接続されると、このコンデンサは、安定した量子ビットを作り出すための潜在性を秘め、また、他の多くの既存の非線形極低温デバイスに比べると、加工するのが比較的簡単だったり、電磁波雑音に強いといった他の利点を提供してくれます。この研究は、2D Materials and Applications誌に掲載されました。
To produce stable qubits, one promising approach is to use superconducting circuits, most of which operate on the basis of the Josephson effect. Unfortunately, they are difficult to make and sensitive to perturbing stray magnetic fields. This means the ultimate circuit must be extremely well shielded both thermally and electromagnetically, which precludes compact integration.
At EPFL’s LPQM, this idea of a capacitor that’s easy to make, less bulky and less prone to interference has been explored. It consists of insulating boron nitride sandwiched between two graphene sheets. Thanks to this sandwich structure and graphene’s unusual properties, the incoming charge is not proportional to the voltage that is generated. This nonlinearity is a necessary step in the process of generating quantum bits. This device could significantly improve the way quantum information is processed but there are also other potential applications too. It could be used to create very nonlinear high-frequency circuits — all the way up to the terahertz regime — or for mixers, amplifiers, and ultra strong coupling between photons.