胃酸過多を抑制する目的で作られた、誰でも簡単に服用可能な薬剤である、プロトンポンプ阻害薬 (Proton pump inhibitors, PPIs)が、命に関わる可能性が高まるかもしれない事が、オンライン・ジャーナル誌のBMJ Openに掲載された研究が指摘しています。この種の薬が、如何に簡単に入手することが可能で、様々な深刻な副作用の可能性との関係を考慮した場合、PPIの使用の適応と、治療期間を制限する時に来ていると、研究者たちは提言しています。
Drugs to curb excess stomach acid may be linked to heightened risk of death
Recent research has indicated a link between PPI use and a heightened risk of chronic kidney disease/kidney disease progression, dementia, C difficile infections, and bone fractures in people with brittle bone disease (osteoporosis).
Although far from conclusive, emerging evidence suggests that PPIs may boost the risk of tissue damage arising from normal cellular processes, known as oxidative stress, as well as the shortening of telomeres, which sit on the end of chromosomes and perform a role similar to the plastic tips on the end of shoelaces.
The researchers base their findings on national US data obtained from a network of integrated healthcare systems involving more than 6 million people whose health was tracked for an average of almost six years–until 2013 or death, whichever came first.
They carried out three comparative analyses: those taking PPIs with those taking another type of drug used to dampen down acid production called histamine H2 receptor antagonists or H2 blockers for short (349, 312 people); users and non-users of PPIs (3,288,092 people); and users of PPIs with people taking neither PPIs nor H2 blockers.
研究者たちは、PPIを服用している人と、ヒスタミンH2受容体拮抗薬(略してH2遮断薬)と呼ばれている、胃酸産生抑制用の別のタイプの薬を服用している人(349,312人)、PPIユーザーと非ユーザー (3,288,092人)、PPIユーザーと、PPIもH2ブロッカーのどちらも服用していない人達との、3つの比較分析を実施しています。
The risk of death was also heightened among those who were taking PPIs despite having no appropriate medical indication for their use, such as ulcers, H pylori infection, Barrett’s oesophagus (pre-cancerous changes to the food pipe) and gullet (oesophageal) cancer.
They write: “Although our results should not deter prescription and use of PPIs where medically indicated, they may be used to encourage and promote pharmacovigilance [monitoring the side-effects of licensed drugs] and [they] emphasise the need to exercise judicious use of PPIs and limit use and duration of therapy to instances where there is a clear medical indication and where benefit outweighs potential risk.”