消化管微生物叢のさらに深い理解が、精神科医が、うつ病などの、精神病性障害を治療するのに役立つ可能性があることを、Frontiers in Psychiatry誌に掲載されたレビューが明らかにしています。精神医学的な見解では、うつ病の根本原因は、まだ完全には分かっていないし、うつ病は、一部のケースで治療が困難なままです。人のさまざまな健康問題における、微生物叢の役割に関心が集まっていることを考慮すれば、この事が、多くの研究者達を、精神衛生と微生物叢、特に、腸内フローラとの潜在的な関係の調査にも誘導しています。
Linking mental health and the gut microbiome
“The main idea of our review is that there is strong communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain, and that changes to the microbiome-gut-brain axis could be associated with the etiology of different neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression,”
Lima-Ojeda and his colleagues reviewed the body of literature on the role of the gut microbiome with a particular emphasis on the connections, or axis, formed between the microbiome, the gut, and the brain. The brain and the gastrointestinal tract are bi-directionally linked through the central nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system, and perturbations to any of these systems can have repercussions across the others, in turn potentially influencing a person’s overall wellbeing.
However, Lima-Ojeda additionally uncovered evidence that depression may also be attributable to disturbances to the gut microbiome at any point during a person’s life, which can be due to stress, diet, and of course medications such as antibiotics. These findings promote the idea that attention to nutrition and diet may be a practical and effective complement to existing strategies for the treatment of depression.