

感染症を患ったので病院へ行ったら抗生物質を処方され、薬を飲んだら血の混じった下痢便が出てきたなんてことが稀にあるようです。下痢便が血だらけだったら、真っ先に直腸がんを疑って、眼の前が真っ白になりそうですが、そんな経験はしたくないもんです。このめったにないにしても、非常に不快な副作用には、普通の腸内細菌によって産生されるエンテロトキシンのチリバリンが関係している可能性があるようです。オーストリア人科学者等は、今回、この細菌性毒素の生合成経路を詳細に調べ上げて、Angewandte Chemie誌に結果を掲載しています。彼等の発見は、抗生剤副作用の病理生物学に重要な見識を与え、細菌毒の多機能性を明らかにしてくれています。



Bacterial toxins made in the gut

Some bacteria are sensitive to penicillin, others are not. While patients swallow antibiotics to destroy harmful microorganisms, their own intestinal microbiota suffers changes. If the introduced unbalance leads to an overgrowth of bacteria producing toxins themselves, intestinal and metabolic disorders can follow. In an interdisciplinary collaboration, Ellen Zechner of the University of Graz, Austria, and her colleagues have researched the role of penicillin-resistant Klebsiella oxytoca enterobacterium in antibiotic-associated hemorrhagic colitis (AAHC).




They first identified a metabolite tilivalline as a critical enterotoxin, which in higher doses damages the intestinal epithelium and can induce colitis. Surprisingly, tilivalline shares its chemical structure with a class of soil bacteria metabolites called pyrrolobenzodiazepines, which are already investigated and applied in clinical trials for their antitumor properties. After having identified the gene cluster for tilivalline synthesis, the scientists performed comprehensive biomolecular and molecular genetic experiments to track down the complete biosynthetic pathway of tilivalline.




Tilivalline itself lacks the DNA-damaging activity of its antitumor antibiotic relatives because the chemical site crucial for DNA interference is blocked. However, Zechner and colleagues found that the source of the blocking, an indole, only enters the biosynthetic pathway at its end. The tilivalline precursor without the indole, which was then named tilimycin, was shown to be a more potent cytotoxin than tilivalline. Surprisingly, the final addition of the indole to tilimycin occurs spontaneously, without the help of any enzyme. This means that “Klebsiella oxytoca is able to produce two pyrrolobenzodiazepines with distinct functionalities depending on the availability of indole”, the scientists stated. Indole occurs naturally in the human gut.




Both outcomes, the elucidation of the biosynthetic pathway and the discovery of tilimycin as a stable intermediate metabolite, which is even more toxic to human cells, have important physiological and pharmacological implications. First, the better understanding of the AAHC pathogenesis may lead to new treatment schemes and strategies to avoid or just alleviate antibiotic side reactions. And second, the unusual Klebsiella pathway to the anticancerogenic structures can inspire scientists to develop new approaches for producing anticancer drugs.


