カノーラオイルは、世界で最も広く使われている食用油の1つなのですが、意外にも、その健康への影響はほとんど知られていません。今回、テンプル大学ルイス・カッツ医学部の研究者たちによってScientific Reports誌にオンライン掲載された新しい研究が、アルツハイマー病モデルマウスにおいて、キャノーラオイルの食事摂取と、記憶力・学習能力低下及び体重増加と結び付けています。本研究は、カノーラ油が、脳にとっては、健康的どころではなく有害であることを示唆している初めての研究です。
Temple research: Canola oil linked to worsened memory & learning ability in Alzheimer’s
“Canola oil is appealing because it is less expensive than other vegetable oils, and it is advertised as being healthy,” explained Domenico Praticò, MD, Professor in the Departments of Pharmacology and Microbiology and Director of the Alzheimer’s Center at LKSOM, as well as senior investigator on the study. “Very few studies, however, have examined that claim, especially in terms of the brain.”
Curious about how canola oil affects brain function, Dr. Praticò and Elisabetta Lauretti, a graduate student in Dr. Pratico’s laboratory at LKSOM and co-author on the new study, focused their work on memory impairment and the formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model. Amyloid plaques and phosphorylated tau, which is responsible for the formation of tau neurofibrillary tangles, contribute to neuronal dysfunction and degeneration and memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease. The animal model was designed to recapitulate Alzheimer’s in humans, progressing from an asymptomatic phase in early life to full-blown disease in aged animals.
キャノーラ油摂取が、amyloid beta(アミロイドβ)1-40を減らして、その結果として、アミロイドβ1-42が増え、その結果として、アミロイド斑が増え、ニューロン接続に干渉することで記憶障害をもたらすようです。キャノーラ油は頭を悪くするとも言えそうです。
The findings suggest that long-term consumption of canola oil is not beneficial to brain health. “Even though canola oil is a vegetable oil, we need to be careful before we say that it is healthy,” Dr. Praticò said. “Based on the evidence from this study, canola oil should not be thought of as being equivalent to oils with proven health benefits.”
“We also want to know whether the negative effects of canola oil are specific for Alzheimer’s disease,” Dr. Praticò added. “There is a chance that the consumption of canola oil could also affect the onset and course of other neurodegenerative diseases or other forms of dementia.”