この記事”Not enough evidence linking noncaloric sweeteners with adverse effects on gut microbiota“によると、ノンカロリー甘味料は健康に悪いみたいに言われているが、どうやらそんなことはないらしい。それどころか、一部の低カロリー甘味料は体に良い影響を与えることが分かっているので、むしろ、砂糖よりもそっちが成分表に記入されている食品の方が体には良さげだ。
The main goal of this review has been to critically discuss the evidence supporting the effects of nonnutritive sweeteners (NNSs), both synthetic sweeteners (acesulfame K, aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin, neotame, advantame, and sucralose) and natural sweeteners (NSs; thaumatin, steviol glucosides, monellin, neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, and glycyrrhizin) and nutritive low-calorie sweeteners (polyols or sugar alcohols) on the composition of microbiota in the human gut.
One of the main discoveries is that “the only nonnutritive and noncaloric sweeteners that significantly alter microbiota are saccharin and sucralose, although their impact on human health is unknown and further research should be carried out in order to confirm said alteration,” professor Gil explains. “The same could be said about steviol glucosides, although only for intakes greater than the ADI.”
“In this sense, sweeteners based on amino acid derivatives don’t exert great changes on gut microbiota due to their low concentration and because those amino acids are absorbed by the duodenum and the ileum,” emphasizes the president of the FINUT. “With respect to polyol sweeteners (such as isomaltose, maltitol, lactitol, and xylitol), which are poorly absorbed or even not absorbed at all, they may have prebiotic actions and can reach the large bowel and increase the numbers of bifidobacteria in animals and humans.”
この記事では、EU内で認可された全ての甘味料については、ADI(Acceptable Daily Intake:一日摂取許容量)さえ守れば安全であると結論付けている。こういった甘味料は、欧州食品安全機関やアメリカ食品医薬品局などの世界中の食品衛生に関する公的機関から、物凄い厳重に管理されているので安全なのは当然とのことだそうだ。安全な上に甘くてゼロカロリーなら何も言うことはないだろう。