




# Loading in required libraries
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

# Reading in the Nobel Prize data
nobel = pd.read_csv('datasets/nobel.csv')
cd A Visual History of Nobel Prize Winners
/home/workspace/git/Projects-on-Data-Cleaning-and-Manipulation/A Visual History of Nobel Prize Winners


df1=df[(df['birth_country']=='Japan') | \
year category prize motivation prize_share laureate_id laureate_type full_name birth_date birth_city birth_country sex organization_name organization_city organization_country death_date death_city death_country
249 1949 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 1949 “for his prediction of the existence of mesons… 1/1 54 Individual Hideki Yukawa 1907-01-23 Tokyo Japan Male Kyoto Imperial University Kyoto Japan 1981-09-08 Kyoto Japan
367 1965 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 1965 “for their fundamental work in quantum electro… 1/3 84 Individual Sin-Itiro Tomonaga 1906-03-31 Kyoto Japan Male Tokyo University of Education Tokyo Japan 1979-07-08 Tokyo Japan
436 1973 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 1973 “for their experimental discoveries regarding … 1/4 97 Individual Leo Esaki 1925-03-12 Osaka Japan Male IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY United States of America NaN NaN NaN
516 1981 Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1981 “for their theories, developed independently, … 1/2 257 Individual Kenichi Fukui 1918-10-04 Nara Japan Male Kyoto University Kyoto Japan 1998-01-09 Kyoto Japan
576 1987 Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1987 “for his discovery of the genetic principle fo… 1/1 436 Individual Susumu Tonegawa 1939-09-06 Nagoya Japan Male Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, MA United States of America NaN NaN NaN
708 2000 Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 “for the discovery and development of conducti… 1/3 731 Individual Hideki Shirakawa 1936-08-20 Tokyo Japan Male University of Tsukuba Tokyo Japan NaN NaN NaN
720 2001 Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 “for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogen… 1/4 742 Individual Ryoji Noyori 1938-09-03 Kobe Japan Male Nagoya University Nagoya Japan NaN NaN NaN
735 2002 Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002 “for their development of soft desorption ioni… 1/4 757 Individual Koichi Tanaka 1959-08-03 Toyama City Japan Male Shimadzu Corp. Kyoto Japan NaN NaN NaN
745 2002 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2002 “for pioneering contributions to astrophysics,… 1/4 754 Individual Masatoshi Koshiba 1926-09-19 Toyohashi Japan Male University of Tokyo Tokyo Japan NaN NaN NaN
804 2008 Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008 “for the discovery and development of the gree… 1/3 829 Individual Osamu Shimomura 1928-08-27 Kyoto Japan Male Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) Woods Hole, MA United States of America NaN NaN NaN
813 2008 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008 “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontan… 1/2 826 Individual Yoichiro Nambu 1921-01-18 Tokyo Japan Male Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago Chicago, IL United States of America 2015-07-05 Osaka Japan
814 2008 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008 “for the discovery of the origin of the broken… 1/4 827 Individual Makoto Kobayashi 1944-04-07 Nagoya Japan Male High Energy Accelerator Research Organization … Tsukuba Japan NaN NaN NaN
815 2008 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008 “for the discovery of the origin of the broken… 1/4 828 Individual Toshihide Maskawa 1940-02-07 Nagoya Japan Male Kyoto Sangyo University Kyoto Japan NaN NaN NaN
830 2010 Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010 “for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in or… 1/3 852 Individual Ei-ichi Negishi 1935-07-14 Changchun China Male Purdue University West Lafayette, IN United States of America NaN NaN NaN
831 2010 Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010 “for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in or… 1/3 853 Individual Akira Suzuki 1930-09-12 Mukawa Japan Male Hokkaido University Sapporo Japan NaN NaN NaN
859 2012 Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 “for the discovery that mature cells can be re… 1/2 875 Individual Shinya Yamanaka 1962-09-04 Osaka Japan Male Kyoto University Kyoto Japan NaN NaN NaN
886 2014 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014 “for the invention of efficient blue light-emi… 1/3 906 Individual Isamu Akasaki 1929-01-30 Chiran Japan Male Meijo University Nagoya Japan NaN NaN NaN
887 2014 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014 “for the invention of efficient blue light-emi… 1/3 907 Individual Hiroshi Amano 1960-09-11 Hamamatsu Japan Male Nagoya University Nagoya Japan NaN NaN NaN
888 2014 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014 “for the invention of efficient blue light-emi… 1/3 908 Individual Shuji Nakamura 1954-05-22 Ikata Japan Male University of California Santa Barbara, CA United States of America NaN NaN NaN
895 2015 Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015 “for their discoveries concerning a novel ther… 1/4 917 Individual Satoshi Ōmura 1935-07-12 Yamanashi Prefecture Japan Male Kitasato University Tokyo Japan NaN NaN NaN
898 2015 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2015 “for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, w… 1/2 919 Individual Takaaki Kajita 1959-03-09 Higashimatsuyama Japan Male University of Tokyo Kashiwa Japan NaN NaN NaN
906 2016 Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2016 “for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy” 1/1 927 Individual Yoshinori Ohsumi 1945-02-09 Fukuoka Japan Male Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Japan NaN NaN NaN



Kyoto University 2
University of Tokyo 2
Nagoya University 2
Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago 1
Meijo University 1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 1
Shimadzu Corp. 1
University of California 1
Kyoto Sangyo University 1
Kitasato University 1
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) 1
Hokkaido University 1
Kyoto Imperial University 1
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center 1
Purdue University 1
Tokyo Institute of Technology 1
Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) 1
University of Tsukuba 1
Tokyo University of Education 1
ax.set_xlabel("Number of Laureates", fontsize=25);
for i in ax.patches:
      str(round((i.get_width()), 2)), fontsize=15, color='dimgrey')


d={'出身大学': ['京都大学','東京大学','名古屋大学',\
   '人数': [7,5,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]}
d1 = pd.DataFrame(d)
#d2 = d1.set_index('出身大学')
出身大学 人数
0 京都大学 7
1 東京大学 5
2 名古屋大学 3
3 北海道大学 1
4 東北大学 1
5 埼玉大学 1
6 東京工業大学 1
7 山梨大学 1
8 神戸大学 1
9 徳島大学 1
10 長崎大学 1



<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f5c406e1208>


pd.set_option('precision', 0)
full_name category year age
249 Hideki Yukawa Physics 1949 42
367 Sin-Itiro Tomonaga Physics 1965 59
436 Leo Esaki Physics 1973 48
516 Kenichi Fukui Chemistry 1981 63
576 Susumu Tonegawa Medicine 1987 48
708 Hideki Shirakawa Chemistry 2000 64
720 Ryoji Noyori Chemistry 2001 63
735 Koichi Tanaka Chemistry 2002 43
745 Masatoshi Koshiba Physics 2002 76
804 Osamu Shimomura Chemistry 2008 80
813 Yoichiro Nambu Physics 2008 87
814 Makoto Kobayashi Physics 2008 64
815 Toshihide Maskawa Physics 2008 68
830 Ei-ichi Negishi Chemistry 2010 75
831 Akira Suzuki Chemistry 2010 80
859 Shinya Yamanaka Medicine 2012 50
886 Isamu Akasaki Physics 2014 85
887 Hiroshi Amano Physics 2014 54
888 Shuji Nakamura Physics 2014 60
895 Satoshi Ōmura Medicine 2015 80
898 Takaaki Kajita Physics 2015 56
906 Yoshinori Ohsumi Medicine 2016 71


category year age
Hideki Yukawa Physics 1949 42
Koichi Tanaka Chemistry 2002 43
Leo Esaki Physics 1973 48
Susumu Tonegawa Medicine 1987 48
Shinya Yamanaka Medicine 2012 50
Hiroshi Amano Physics 2014 54
Takaaki Kajita Physics 2015 56
Sin-Itiro Tomonaga Physics 1965 59
Shuji Nakamura Physics 2014 60
Kenichi Fukui Chemistry 1981 63
Ryoji Noyori Chemistry 2001 63
Hideki Shirakawa Chemistry 2000 64
Makoto Kobayashi Physics 2008 64
Toshihide Maskawa Physics 2008 68
Yoshinori Ohsumi Medicine 2016 71
Ei-ichi Negishi Chemistry 2010 75
Masatoshi Koshiba Physics 2002 76
Osamu Shimomura Chemistry 2008 80
Satoshi Ōmura Medicine 2015 80
Akira Suzuki Chemistry 2010 80
Isamu Akasaki Physics 2014 85
Yoichiro Nambu Physics 2008 87


df4=pd.DataFrame({'category':['Medicine'],'year':[2018],'age':[76]},index=['Tasuku Honjo'])
category year age
Hideki Yukawa Physics 1949 42
Sin-Itiro Tomonaga Physics 1965 59
Leo Esaki Physics 1973 48
Kenichi Fukui Chemistry 1981 63
Susumu Tonegawa Medicine 1987 48
Hideki Shirakawa Chemistry 2000 64
Ryoji Noyori Chemistry 2001 63
Koichi Tanaka Chemistry 2002 43
Masatoshi Koshiba Physics 2002 76
Osamu Shimomura Chemistry 2008 80
Yoichiro Nambu Physics 2008 87
Makoto Kobayashi Physics 2008 64
Toshihide Maskawa Physics 2008 68
Ei-ichi Negishi Chemistry 2010 75
Akira Suzuki Chemistry 2010 80
Shinya Yamanaka Medicine 2012 50
Isamu Akasaki Physics 2014 85
Hiroshi Amano Physics 2014 54
Shuji Nakamura Physics 2014 60
Satoshi Ōmura Medicine 2015 80
Takaaki Kajita Physics 2015 56
Yoshinori Ohsumi Medicine 2016 71
Tasuku Honjo Medicine 2018 76




# The oldest winner of a Nobel Prize as of 2016
category year age
Yoichiro Nambu Physics 2008 87


# The youngest winner of a Nobel Prize as of 2016
category year age
Hideki Yukawa Physics 1949 42


Physics 11
Chemistry 7
Medicine 5


df8=df7[df.year.between(2000, 2016)]
ax.set_xlabel("Number of Laureates", fontsize=25);
for i in ax.patches:
      str(round((i.get_width()), 2)), fontsize=15, color='dimgrey')





<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f5c403aaf98>