Metabolites of Resveratrol (Longevinex) pass through blood-ocular barriers in humans
Tissue samples were obtained from the outer eye (conjunctiva), aqueous fluid in the front of the inner eye and from the vitreous gel that fills the back of the eyes.
While the red wine molecule resveratrol continues to astound biologists, exerting profound beneficial health effects in tissues throughout the human body, the question as to whether resveratrol or its metabolites pass through semipermeable blood/brain and blood/ocular barriers to exert biological activity had thrown a scientific cloud over application of resveratrol in humans, until now.
Nervous tissues in the eyes and brain are specially protected from foreign substances (germs, inflammatory agents, toxins) by tightly packed cells in the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) that block entry of large molecules. In this manner large molecules are blocked from entering nervous system.
100年以上前、青色色素が血流中に注入されると、脳、脊髄、眼を除く、全ての人体中の組織が青く染まることが発見されています (ワシントン大学)。こういった現象が、保護血管脳関門と血管網膜関門と呼ばれるきっかけになっています。
The human eye has two barriers, the blood-aqueous barrier in the front of the inner eye and the blood-retinal barrier at the back of the eyes. [Survey of Ophthalmology 1979]
人間の眼は、眼内最前部にある血液房水関門と、眼底の血液網膜関門の二つのバリアを持っています[Survey of Ophthalmology 1979]。
In prior laboratory studies resveratrol was shown to not only penetrate the blood-brain barrier but actually help maintain the integrity of this barrier. [Journal Neurophysiology Nov 2016]
In prior studies the presence of resveratrol has been shown in various major organs (liver, kidneys, lungs and heart). While resveratrol is a small molecule (molecular weight 228 Daltons), it is conjugated (attached) to larger detoxification molecules (sulfate, glucuronate) in the gut and liver. Therefore, its direct passage as a free unbound small molecule into nervous tissues has been called into question.
An earlier study by the same researchers showed resveratrol (Longevinex®) works beneficially by its ability to expand (dilate) blood vessels at the back of the eyes thus improving circulation. [Current Eye Research Oct 2016]
同じ研究者達による過去の研究が、レスベラトロール (Longevinex®)が、眼底の血管を広げて血液循環を改善できることにより、効果的に機能することを明らかにしています。
In preliminary case reports, resveratrol (Longevinex®) has been shown to rescue helpless patients with advanced retinal problems and restore vision. [Nutrients Oct 2014]
予備的事例報告の中で、レスベラトロール (Longevinex®)が、進行性の網膜障害を抱えた手の施しようがない患者を救済して、視力を回復させていることが示されています。
Resveratrol and its metabolites have also recently been shown to protect the retina of the eyes from toxic blue light. [Archives Pharm Research Dec 2016]
A topically applied resveratrol eye drop may be closer to entering human trials after it was shown to sustain a reduction in intraocular fluid pressure that can damage the optic nerve at the back of the eyes. [Experimental Eye Research Dec 2016] Oral consumption of resveratrol has also been shown to exert similar protective properties for the optic nerve. [Neurobiology Aging May 2016]
Resveratrol has also been shown to inhibit the formation of abnormal blood vessels at the back of the eyes. [Investigative Ophthalmology April 2011]
While this most recent study showed only resveratrol metabolites (sulfate, glucuronate) are detected in the inner eye, the inclusion of resveratrol with quercetin is said to permit more free unbound resveratrol to initially pass through the liver before it is metabolized. [Xenobiotica 2000]
In another astonishing animal study resveratrol was metabolized in the gut (intestines) to favorably influence the balance of gut bacteria and indirectly inhibit the accumulation of atherosclerotic arterial plaque. [MBio April 2016] So at least for some tissues in the body, questions over resveratrol’s absorption and bioavailability may be a moot point.