アメリカ国内に住む成人の3分の1以上が肥満だと見られている事から、研究者達は、肥満と2型糖尿病などの肥満に関連している健康上の問題を治療するための新しい方法を、目下、猛烈な勢いで探索しています。Experimental Biology 2017 meeting(EB 2017)は、肥満の原因への新たな洞察と、減量のための新しい方策を与える事を可能にする研究を紹介してくれます。
Four exciting diabetes and obesity research discoveries
Mouse Study Suggests New Potential Treatment for Obesity
Previous studies have shown weight-loss benefits for avoiding foods high in the amino acid methionine, such as beans, nuts, beef, turkey, pork, fish, eggs and dairy. However, following such a restricted diet for a long time is difficult. Using mice that were obese as a result of a high-fat diet, University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers found that just five weeks of methionine deprivation not only led to progressive weight loss and reduced body fat but also corrected high blood sugar levels. The new findings reveal that short-term avoidance of methionine might be as helpful as long-term deprivation and could be a promising treatment for obesity and related diseases such as type 2 diabetes.
Rat Study Shows Consuming Dairy Might Be as Good as Exercise for Losing Weight
Consuming dairy protein may be as effective as exercising in preventing further weight gain, according to a new study in a rat model of obesity. Researchers from the University of Guelph in Canada also found that exercise training together with dairy protein consumption was more effective at preventing additional weight gain than either intervention alone. The researchers say that exercise reduces weight gain by burning more calories while consuming dairy protein likely reduces the amount of fat that is absorbed.