

メリーランド大学による新しい研究が、広く使われていて、安価・安全の化学物質が、人の肌の老化進行速度を落とせる可能性を示唆しています。研究者たちは、メチレンブルーと呼ばれている抗酸化物質が、培養されたヒト皮膚細胞と、シミュレートされた皮膚組織を使ってテストされた時、いくつかの良く知られた肌老化の兆候を遅くしたり反転させたりできることを明らかにしています。この研究は、Scientific Reports誌にオンライン掲載されています。



Common antioxidant could slow symptoms of aging in human skin

“Our work suggests that methylene blue could be a powerful antioxidant for use in skin care products,” said Kan Cao, senior author on the study and an associate professor of cell biology and molecular genetics at UMD. “The effects we are seeing are not temporary. Methylene blue appears to make fundamental, long-term changes to skin cells.”




The researchers tested methylene blue for four weeks in skin cells from healthy middle-aged donors, as well as those diagnosed with progeria–a rare genetic disease that mimics the normal aging process at an accelerated rate. In addition to methylene blue, the researchers also tested three other known antioxidants: N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC), MitoQ and MitoTEMPO (mTEM).

研究者たちは、健康的な肌の中年ドナーと、正常な老化プロセスを加速度的に模倣する珍しい遺伝病である、プロジェリア(早老症)を罹患したドナーの皮膚細胞を使って、メチレンブルーを4週間にわたってテストしました。メチレンブルーに加え、彼等は、NAC, MitoQ, mTEMという三種類の他の良く知られた抗酸化物質のテストも同時に行っています。

NAC = N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine = N-アセチルシステイン

MitoQ = Mitochondria-targeted ubiquinone =ミトコンドリア標的ユビキノン

In these experiments, methylene blue outperformed the other three antioxidants, improving several age-related symptoms in cells from both healthy donors and progeria patients. The skin cells (fibroblasts, the cells that produce the structural protein collagen) experienced a decrease in damaging molecules known as reactive oxygen species, a reduced rate of cell death and an increase in the rate of cell division throughout the four-week treatment.




Next, Cao and her colleagues tested methylene blue in fibroblasts from older donors (>80 years old) again for a period of four weeks. At the end of the treatment, the cells from older donors had experienced a range of improvements, including decreased expression of two genes commonly used as indicators of cellular aging: senescence-associated beta-galactosidase and p16.




The researchers also used the model skin to test the safety of cosmetic creams with methylene blue added. The results suggest that methylene blue causes little to no irritation, even at high concentrations. Encouraged by these results, Cao, Xiong and their colleagues hope to develop safe and effective ways for consumers to benefit from the properties of methylene blue.


