大腸癌(CRC)予防と治療に対する革新的なアプローチにおいて、研究者達は、腸管炎症やCRCに罹りやすい患者の不足代謝物を置き換える方法を研究しています。The American Journal of Pathologyに掲載された新しい研究は、ヒスチジンデカルボキシラーゼ欠損マウスに対するヒスタミン産生腸内細菌投与が、炎症と腫瘍形成を減少させることを示しています。これらの結果が、善玉菌を使った腸内細菌叢の改善が、炎症性大腸炎(IBD)とそれに関連したCRCリスク患者に対する、新しい予防戦略もしくは治療戦略になる可能性を秘めていることを示唆しています。
New research on probiotics in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer
Researchers conducted a series of experiments using mice that were deficient in HDC, the enzyme required to convert histidine to histamine. Experimental mice were orally administered the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri 6475, which is known to possess the histidine decarboxylase gene (hdc+) and is able to convert histidine to histamine; control animals received a placebo. The probiotic was administered both before and after the mice received a single dose of a colonic carcinogen (azoxymethane) plus an inflammation-inducing chemical (DSS) to induce tumor formation. Fifteen weeks later, the mice were sacrificed and the tissues removed for study.
The probiotic increased expression of bacterial HDC and amounts of histamine in the colons of the mice. Using positron emission tomography (PET) to visualize the tumors, control-treated mice showed evidence of tumors and increased glucose uptake in colon walls. In contrast, mice administered the probiotic had fewer and smaller tumors and significantly diminished areas of glucose uptake.
“Our results suggest a significant role for histamine in the suppression of chronic intestinal inflammation and colorectal tumorigenesis. We have also shown that cells, both microbial and mammalian, can share metabolites or chemical compounds that together promote human health and prevent disease,” said Dr. Versalovic.